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Karen Brown
PIN: 4073
Rating: Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star
Skills: Angel Cards, Animal Communication, Astrology, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Crystals, Dream Analysis, Life Coaching, Medium, Natural Psychic, Past Lives, Pendulum, Psychic Development, Reiki & Spiritual Healing, Remote Viewing, Tarot Cards
Bio: Hi, I'm Karen Brown, and I am a Psychic and Oracle card reader. I discovered my senses aged 13 and have been doing readings for over 25 years. I love to concentrate on relationship and love readings and also any subjects that need my unique style of guidance. I have worked on TV shows and radio stations. I am a caring, experienced and unique psychic, and I only want to guide you. For a positive and up - lifting reading give me a call today.