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PIN: 6816
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Skills: Clairvoyance, Medium, Natural Psychic, Psychic Development, Reiki & Spiritual Healing, Tarot Cards
Bio: Hi everyone, I’m Jack. I am a kind, caring and heartfelt psychic tarot card reader and spiritual healer. I will work with the cards and my guides to bring you the guidance that you are looking for. I have always felt very different from many other people my own age. I always had strange dreams and when I eventually spoke about it, my aunt stepped in and taught me how to develop and control my psychic ability and I have now been reading for up to 10 years. I work well with connecting to my guides for insight to look at general readings or to look into any priorities in ones life. I also do psychic development and reiki healing. I am quite a calm reader and like to explain to my clients step by step of what I do and how I work. I have two dogs, I love them more than anything. I enjoy reading, music and meditation and in my spare time I run a Reiki & Spiritual healing business. My inspirational quote is “If god is all you have, you have all you need”