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PIN: 7253
Rating: Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarHalf Star
Skills: Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Life Coaching, Past Lives, Reiki & Spiritual Healing
Bio: I am a natural spiritual reader and healer, with several years' professional experience. I love to conduct spiritual readings; my readings are insightful, non-judgmental and honest. As a Reiki Distance Healer and a Natural-Reader, I am able to provide readings on past lives, present and future situation/s as well. Some of my other psychic skills include Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Medium and my favourite tool is my guides. I will use these abilities to provide readings into areas such as love/relationship and career and work and hope to bring you some inspiration and peace of mind. I look forward to hearing from you.