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PIN: 7281
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Skills: Angel Cards, Animal Communication, Chakra Balance, Life Coaching, NLP, Pendulum, Reiki & Spiritual Healing
Bio: Hi, I am Trish, a natural healer and psychic, I read what I see. It may not make sense to me whatsoever, but as long as it’s make sense to the person that I am reading for, that is all that matters, it means that we are connecting, and I am picking up on your energies, I am not a magician, I cannot create magic and will never mislead you in any way, I use my intuition, I also have a strong inner compass, I feel certain things which is hard to explain, when I read, I just go with the flow of what happens, as every reading I do is very different, no two reading are the same. I use a variety of different tools when I read and sometimes, I use no tools as I don’t require them. I always send my healing energies and sage cleansing to my clients throughout the day when I am having a few moments refocusing myself and cleansing my aura after each reading. Throughout the week & days I will do various Affirmations & EFT on myself as this will reset my Aura & mind to help me re focus on my clients. I believe in doing Reiki on myself every morning, this sets me up for the day. I was very lucky as a child to have had two encounters with Our lady, she is my protector and is always with me. Some of my skills are Oracles Cards, Angel Cards, EFT Tapping, Reiki, Energy Healing, Pendulum, Life Coaching, I cover all areas of life, if it’s just a simple question you want answered, or a list of questions, we will work through them, or maybe you just need a bit of Reiki healing I can send that to you no matter where you are, distance is not a problem. Or even if you need an Affirmation for a job interview you’re nervous about going to, I can get you on the right track so you focus on your interview. I can take you through an EFT Tapping sequence that will help ease the situation (That is just one example) of how tapping can help us daily.