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Lunar Rose
PIN: 7403
Rating: Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star
Skills: Tarot Cards
Bio: I am an intuitive tarot card reader with natural empathic abilities. I read other types of oracle cards which can be used to elaborate on readings and I am familiar with Vedic astrology and use this to get extra insights into the interpretation of the cards. I have been reading professionally for up to 5 years and combine various decks, plus my natural vision to get to the heart of a situation. I usually start by finding out what you are looking for; if you have a certain question or if you just want a general spread to see what comes out. I will connect with you and focus on you and the area of concern and draw the cards. I find that during this time I get intuitive flashes about the general feel of the reading. I do not disclose this to the client but it is useful for the interpretation once the cards are drawn. I can read on any life area, including love/romance, career, problem resolution, advice and guidance. I enjoy practicing my ability. The more I use it, the more it grows. I like to help people out who are unsure of what to do, and give them some direction around the situation.