Horoscope for 2024-07-19
It is just as Mercury moves into his final week in your romantic sector, that a friendly aspect to the Moon in its final hours in an adventurous part of your chart will continue what began with Venus yesterday. While Mercury is just seven days away from leaving, he will retrograde back in for a double dip visit next month, with both the spirit of romance and adventure and his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page getting a boost.
Seven days before Mercury is due to return to your romantic sector to begin his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page, the Moon’s return to an adventurous part of your chart is good news on the romantic front now. This last visit before the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment leaves your romantic sector will see the spirit of romance and adventure spike over the weekend.
It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication moves into his final seven days in your communication sector that a friendly aspect to the Moon in its final hours in your relationship sector will benefit both. Mercury is looking for something to give a voice to while the Moon is evoking the kind of emotional responses in need of a voice.
While Mercury, the planet of communication is still seven days away from his return to your communication sector with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment still here she will be on hand as the Moon not only returns to your relationship sector but to begin the lead up to the weekend’s Full Moon. As the second Full Moon during your birthday month, this is an opportunity for a do over.
After a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love in her early days in Leo, the Moon is not only spending its final hours at a friendly aspect to Mercury there but to both planets in an adventurous part of your chart. As well as bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together, Mercury is on hand to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page.
The Moon not only returns to your romantic sector today but to begin the lead up to the weekend’s Full Moon. As the second Full Moon here in just four weeks, this is an opportunity for a do over but this time with Venus, the planet of love in a nostalgic part of your chart. With the dwarf planet Ceres in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, Venus is on hand to make the most of the doors open to the past and second chances.
As well as spending its final hours in your communication sector at a friendly aspect to both planets in your relationship sector, the Moon will also spend them at a friendly aspect to Mercury, the planet of communication in your friendship sector. Mercury’s friendly aspect to Chiron, the planet of healing was already making this a special day for friendship and relationship building, with the Moon giving words the power to heal.
It is just as Mars moves into his final two days in your relationship sector and just days after they clashed, the Moon not only returns to your communication sector but to begin the lead up to the weekend’s Full Moon. It was just two days ago that they clashed but with a chance to move into Mars’ final days with the communication lines open and a chance to give anything flushed out earlier in the week a voice.
What makes the timing of the Moon’s friendly aspect to both Mercury in an adventurous part of your chart and both planets in your romantic sector is that it comes just as they have already joined forces. Even Venus, the planet of love is involved, with the Moon ensuring you are emotionally and intuitively engaged as the spirit of romance and adventure comes together.
The Moon’s return to Capricorn today is more than just a chance to check in and become more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware, with big implications on the romantic and relationship fronts. This begins the lead up to a Full Moon that will clash with the Sun in his final days in your relationship sector while a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your romantic sector is preparation for Mars’ return over the weekend.
As Mercury, the planet of communication moves into his final seven days in your relationship sector the support increases dramatically. At the same time that a friendly aspect between Venus on the relationship and the North Node on the communication peaks Mercury moves into a friendly aspect to Chiron, the planet of healing in your communication sector. This is going to give words the power to heal.
With Mercury, the planet of communication still seven days away from your relationship sector, he will miss the support the Moon is going to give the planets already here and in your communication sector as it returns to begin the lead up to a Full Moon in your friendship sector. As well as kicking off a positive few days for friendship and relationship building, this is a chance to get the most out of Mars’ final days in your communication sector.