Horoscope for 2024-12-10
The Moon’s return to Aries today is set to have immediate implications on the romantic and relationship fronts. On the one hand, a friendly aspect to Mars in his early days in retrograde motion in your romantic sector and Mercury, in his final days in retrograde motion and adventurous is going to amplify an already heightened mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure. On the other hand, as it does with each monthly visit this will put a balance between your own and your relationship needs in the spotlight.
At the same time that the Moon is separating from a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your relationship sector that peaked over the weekend, another with Saturn is forming. While this won’t become exact for another two days, already support for friendship and relationship building is coming with a new sense of confidence and resolve.
Venus, planet of love only returned to an adventurous part of your chart over the weekend but already her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together is off to a good start. It is a friendly aspect to the South Node in your romantic sector that peaks today that is helping to fast track things. Meanwhile, Mars’ early days in retrograde motion in your communication sector and Mercury, the planet of communication’s final days in retrograde motion in your relationship sector is making it easier to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice.
Until the Sun returns to your relationship sector later next week, after Venus and the dwarf planet Ceres left over the weekend this has left it empty for the first time this year. This is helping to create a firebreak between the Sun’s reality checks and what over recent weeks has been a focus on your relationship wants, needs and priorities. This gives you time to first pull back and unpack this.
Three days after her return to your relationship sector Venus, the planet of love has moved into a friendly aspect to the South Node in your communication sector. This is getting things off to a positive start and ahead of a clash with Mars in Leo later in the week, is a chance to get the communication lines open. Meanwhile, today’s adventurous lunar vibes are amplifying an already potent mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure.
Two days after Neptune turned direct in your relationship sector, the Moon is wrapping up its last visit for the year. It was while the Moon was here that Neptune turned direct, leaving you more emotionally engaged and aware and with a sense that something has shifted away from the start. This comes just as there is growing support from the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your communication sector.
At the same time that Venus, the planet of love’s early days in your romantic sector are already helping to reignite the spirit of romance, the Moon returns for its last visit to your relationship sector for the year. This is something that will always put a spotlight on a balance between your own and your relationship needs while a friendly aspect to Mercury, the planet of communication in his final days in retrograde motion in your communication sector will make it easier to give the past and unsaid words a voice.
As the Moon wraps up its last visit to your romantic sector for the year, you will be left with a sense that the tide has turned or that something has shifted. The Moon was here when dreamy Neptune turned direct here and with Venus, the planet of love set to return in the New Year, all of a sudden there is a chance to look to the future. The romantically charged lunar vibes of the last few days might run their course today but not their influence.
Three days after Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos turned retrograde in an adventurous part of your chart, the Moon returns for its last visit to your romantic sector for the year and straight into a friendly aspect. With both planets in your romantic sector already in retrograde motion, over the next few days, these romantically charged lunar vibes will add even more fuel to a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure at a time when the doors are open to the past.
As the Moon wraps up its last visit to your communication sector for the year, this will not only leave you better able to keep the communication lines open but with a sense that something has shifted. The Moon was here when Neptune turned direct here over the weekend but also as support from the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships began to build.
Three days after Mars turned retrograde in your relationship sector over the weekend, the Moon not only returns for its last visit to your communication sector for the year but will move straight into a friendly aspect. Two days before Mars is due to clash with Venus, who returned to Aquarius over the weekend, this is a chance to get out in front of any tension this might put on a balance between your own and your relationship needs.
As the Moon wraps up its last visit to Pisces for the year and thanks to dreamy Neptune’s direct turn here over the weekend, there is a chance to look to the future with confidence. Especially on the romantic front, with your heart’s over the horizon radar now alert to not only Venus, the planet of love’s return to Pisces in the New Year but Mars’ return to your romantic sector a few days later.