Horoscope for 2025-03-14

As much as today’s eclipsing Full Moon is putting the focus on the busy side of life’s fence, this is going to reveal any gaps when it comes to how this impacts your ability to know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off. With the most romantically charged months of the year stretching out in front of you and the Moon turning its focus onto your relationships tomorrow, this can provide some valuable insight.

Today’s eclipsing Full Moon is not only the most romantically charged of the year, but the first total lunar eclipse in your romantic sector in 17 years. This is only possible because of the South Node’s return in January and it won’t be the last. Until leaving in July 2026, a mission has begun to jumpstart the spirit of romance and this is the first step.

Today’s total lunar eclipse is a more potent version of the Full Moon that at this time year can put your work/life balance to the test. Always falling just has the push to get the new professional year up to speed is at its peak, this can reveal any cracks or anything out of balance. With the Moon not only returning to your romantic sector tomorrow but teaming up with Jupiter and Pluto to create a romantically charged weekend, this is the right reminder at the right time.

With no planetary activity in your relationship sector, something that after 16 years of near continuous planetary activity you are still adjusting to, having the South Node in your communication sector has been key. It is having the South Node here that turns today’s Full Moon into a total lunar eclipse, with the additional power to push through old communication roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined.

The Moon not only began the week with its return to Leo but a clash with Pluto in your relationship sector. This is something that every four weeks can put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test and at the start of a major new relationship chapter, that couldn’t be more important. The Moon has moved on and its return to your communication sector can get the communication lines open, but with a chance to first reflect on any wakeup calls earlier in the week.

At some point during the Sun’s month long visit to your relationship sector, the Moon will move through Virgo, creating a Full Moon that can put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test. With the Sun leaving next week and while the solar spotlight is still on your relationships, this can give you a better understanding of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. As a total lunar eclipse, today’s eclipsing Full Moon could be harder to ignore.

Ahead of his retrograde turn in your relationship sector tomorrow Mercury, the planet of communication has come to a standstill and with it, a chance to stay in the moment. Before turning retrograde, Mercury will be doing the most to get the communication lines open but with Venus, the planet of love already in retrograde motion in here, is getting ready to pivot onto giving the past and unsaid words a voice.

While a Full Moon and especially when it is a total lunar eclipse can be an emotional roller coaster and with the Sun and Moon in opposition, the potential for some tension. However, today’s eclipsing Full Moon is especially good news for your relationships, with a friendly aspect to Uranus in your relationship sector peaking just as the lunar eclipse in your friendship sector is exact. This makes this a good day for friendship and relationship building, with some unexpected developments.

If today’s eclipsing Full Moon creates some work/life balance tension, then the timing couldn’t be better. This is a Full Moon that at this time each year can energise things professionally but will always get pushback from the sun when it comes to your work/life balance. While this is going to power things up on the job and career fronts, moving into some of the most romantically charged weeks and months of the year, having the right work/life balance has never been more important.

The first total lunar eclipse in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery in 17 years is not only more than enough to get you out of a funk or a rut, but this is also good news for matters of the heart. The Moon’s friendly aspect to Uranus in your romantic sector is going to peak just when the lunar eclipse is at its most exact point, giving the spirit of romance and adventure a major shot in the arm.

Until the working week runs its course and especially with the distraction from today’s eclipsing Full Moon, there might not be much time for matters of the heart. Fortunately, you can afford to take a raincheck, for it is tomorrow that the Moon will not only return to an adventurous part of your chart but join up with lucky Jupiter in your romantic sector. The stars have pencilled in a romantically charged weekend.

Because today’s total lunar eclipse is a supercharged version of the Full Moon that will always fall in your relationship sector at some point during your birthday month, this might push more buttons and your emotional responses to any balance issues between your own and your relationship needs will be more apparent. However, as the lunar eclipse peaks, so too does the Moon’s friendly aspect to Uranus in your communication sector, turning this into an opportunity for a breakthrough.