Horoscope for 2024-05-10

Throughout 2024 the Moon’s monthly visits are going to see it form a friendly aspect to the South Node in your relationship sector, always just a few days after they clash. This is a ‘rinse and repeat cycle’ that every four weeks will flush out any issues and then give them a voice. The difference today is that with the Sun, Venus and Jupiter just days away from your communication sector, instead of coming around once every four weeks this partnership between the communication and relationship gods will be locked into place.

Thanks to a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your romantic sector last weekend and a New Moon that helped to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together as Venus, the planet of love moves into her final two weeks in Taurus it will be with a new sense of confidence. A lot of water is set to pass under the bridge in the next 14 days, with a chance that this will raise the bar on your romantic expectations even higher.

Two weeks before Venus, the planet of love is due to return to Gemini, the Moon is not only here but forms the same friendly aspect to the South Node in your romantic sector that it forms in each monthly visit. There has been no planetary activity in Gemini since the South Node returned in July 2023, this has been key to keeping the spirit of romance alive. However, what you have today is about to become a lot less fleeting.

Thanks to the recent New Moon, the support she has already had and even more support ahead as Venus, the planet of love moves into her final two weeks in a social and serendipitous part of your chart it is with a renewed sense of confidence and trust. Especially when it comes to listening to your heart and gut, which are key to getting the most out of Venus’ efforts to put you in the right place at the right time.

After a friendly aspect to Pluto in your relationship sector yesterday, the Moon is still in your friendship sector as it connects with the South Node in your communication sector. This is something that every four weeks can temporarily create a bridge between the two, helping to get the communication lines open on the relationship front. The difference this time is that in the Moon’s wake are planets that will make this a lot less fleeting.

The Moon may have left an adventurous part of your chart yesterday but as Venus, the planet of love moves into her final two weeks here this has given her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together a serious boost. However, by tomorrow a friendly aspect between the Sun on the adventurous and the dwarf planet Ceres on the romantic front will add even more fuel to this.

Two weeks before Venus, the planet of love is due to return to an adventurous part of your chart to begin her annual mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, the Moon is making its monthly visit. A friendly aspect to Pluto in your romantic sector yesterday is the same that Venus will make in just a few weeks and along with the serious support she will bring with her, this bodes well for her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.

Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday and the New Moon two days ago, there is a chance to move into Venus, the planet of love’s final two weeks here with confidence. There is still a lot of water to pass under the bridge and with Jupiter just 16 days away from leaving, this will leave you feeling emotionally and intuitively engaged and with a clear path forward.

With the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck all drawing closer to their game changing return to your relationship sector, having the Moon here today is a chance to start becoming more emotionally engaged and aware. After a friendly aspect to Pluto in your communication sector yesterday and to the South Node in your friendship sector today, this is a window into the support that this new relationship chapter will have from the start.

Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and the New Moon two days ago, there is a chance to move into Venus, the planet of love’s final two weeks here with confidence and a better read on what your heart is telling you. With the Sun still shining the solar spotlight on matters of the heart but Jupiter just 16 days away from leaving, there is also a sense of urgency when it comes to making romance a priority.

With Venus, the planet of love just 14 and Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion just 16 days away from your romantic sector, the Moon’s monthly visit is the perfect warmup. After a friendly aspect to Pluto, the planet of change and transformation in Aquarius yesterday, another to the South Node in an adventurous part of your chart today is just a small taste of things to come.

While the Moon’s return to your romantic sector tomorrow will set the scene for a romantically charged weekend, today the focus is more on having the communication lines open. A day after the Moon left your communication sector and two days on from a New Moon, as she moves into her final two weeks here Venus, the planet of love’s mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice is on a serious roll.