Horoscope for 2024-05-21

It is during the Moon’s final hours in your relationship sector and just as it has experienced a rough crossing of the lunar nodes, that the Sun makes a timely return to your communication sector. With Venus, the planet of love returning later in the week and Jupiter over the weekend, just when the last few days have shaken the tree in order to flush out any relationship issues, the first planetary activity in your communication sector since June 2023 begins.

Where over the weekend the Moon wraps up its only visit to your romantic sector while Venus, the planet of love is in Taurus, it returns for its only visit to your relationship sector today. With the Moon returning to each every 28 days but Venus only here for 24 days, it was never a given that it would visit both while she was here, giving you a chance to get the most out of the final days of her mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year.

It is during the Moon’s final hours in your romantic sector that the Sun will return to Gemini to begin your birthday month and new solar year, getting this off to a romantically charged start but also with what is a taste of things to come. Separating from a friendly aspect to Pluto in an adventurous part of your chart over the weekend and with Venus, the planet of love just three days away from her return to Gemini, there is an exciting mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in the air.

The Moon’s return to your romantic sector today means that these romantically charged lunar vibes will be at their peak in the heart of the working week, something that makes sense of any work/life balance reminders over the last few days. Fortunately, with the help of Saturn and Neptune, this will not only bring the spirit of romance and adventure together but with the resolve to make a balance between work and play a priority.

As the Moon’s monthly visit to your communication sector wraps up, additional support is arriving that can keep the communication lines open and later in the week, channel this more specifically into your relationships. For now, what the Moon may have flushed out last week as it clashed with Pluto in your relationship sector is turning into the opportunity it always was to get things out in the open in order to give them a voice.

As the Sun leaves an adventurous part of your chart and returns to your career sector, this is the start of a major and fairly rapid rise in the momentum of this professional year. For now Venus, the planet of love is holding out, but as she moves into her final three days in an adventurous part of your chart her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together is becoming more urgent.

As it has done since returning to Libra over the weekend, the Moon will spend its final hours here clashed with yet another planet in your relationship sector. This time it is the familiar clash with the dwarf planet Eris that has happened every four weeks for the last nine decades and having now crossed over the lunar nodes, the pressure is dropping while still bringing home the importance of knowing what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

As the Sun’s month long visit to your relationship sector wraps up, this might take the solar spotlight off your relationships but not the momentum while the journey will continue. With both not only gone by the end of the week but moving closer to a once in a decade alignment here Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck are joining forces to create some real magic.

While the Sun’s return to your relationship sector today is the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your relationships, this is just the start of a major shift over the coming days. By the end of the week the Sun will be joined by Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck while major support from the communication gods will kick in. This is day one of the start of a new journey.

The Sun might leave your romantic sector today, taking the solar spotlight off matters of the heart and all things romantic, but some of the most romantically charged days of the year are not just still in front of you but right around the corner. It is in their final days here that Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck are just days away from their once in a decade alignment in your romantic sector.

While the Sun’s return to your romantic sector today is the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto matters of the heart and all things romantic, this is just the start of something much bigger. By the end of the week Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck will be here and both the most romantically charged months of 2024 and your luckiest year in over a decade will be underway.

While the Sun will leave your communication sector today with Venus, the planet of love here for another three days and Mercury, the planet of communication until the end of next week, there is still plenty of support to keep the communication lines open. The Moon’s departure from your relationship sector over the weekend has made it easier to channel this into your relationships as you make the most of the final days of Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice.