Horoscope for 2024-05-29
At the same time that the Moon is separating from the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, all in their first full week in your communication sector, the Moon moves into a friendly aspect to the South Node in your relationship sector today. As well as creating a positive day for all aspects of friendship and relationship building, this is an early bridge between forces on the communication and relationship fronts before they have a chance to connect directly, which they will over the coming weeks.
While life has taken a busier turn since Venus, the planet of love left Taurus last week, the Moon’s transit through an adventurous part of your chart over the last few days saw it connect with planets committed to keeping the spirit of romance and adventure alive. With life set to get even busier, it is all about having the kind of work/life balance that gives the love gods space to do their thing.
It is right in the heart of Venus, the planet of love’s first full week in Gemini that the Moon, moving through an adventurous part of your chart forms a friendly aspect to the South Node in your romantic sector today. This is a monthly event that for a few days will bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, though this time with not only Venus but the Sun and Jupiter’s return to Gemini helping to cement this in place.
Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday you are not only more emotionally engaged and aware but in a better position to make the most of a friendly aspect between the dwarf planet Ceres here and Mercury, the planet of communication. As well as making this a good day for friendship and relationship building, this is a chance for the communication and relationship gods to work together.
After a friendly aspect to the Sun, Venus and Jupiter yesterday, the Moon is not only still in your relationship sector but forms a friendly aspect to the South Node in your communication sector today. While this is a monthly event and a chance to get the communication lines open on the relationship front, this is something that will have continuous support even after the Moon leaves tomorrow.
Right in the heart of not just the working week but just as this professional year is firing up, a friendly aspect to Mercury and the dwarf planet Ceres is bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together. The Moon only left your romantic sector yesterday, with the impact from these romantically charged lunar vibes making this easier to embrace and even give the working week a run for its money.
Having the Moon in your romantic sector in the heart of the working week can see these romantically charged lunar vibes struggle to get your attention, but not this time. In the heart of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter’s first full week in an adventurous part of your chart, even before the Moon returned, they were already working with Pluto to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.
Where the Moon’s return to your romantic sector tomorrow will put the focus on matters of the heart, today it is all about your relationships and especially when it comes to having the communication lines open. It is a friendly aspect between Mercury, the planet of communication in his final days in your communication sector and the dwarf planet Ceres, in retrograde motion in your communication sector that has the communication and relationship gods working together today.
It is right in the heart of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter’s first full week in your communication sector that the Moon is making its monthly visit to your communication sector. Since they returned last week the Sun and Venus have already formed a friendly aspect to Pluto here, with Jupiter doing the same next week. While this is the start of a powerful alliance that will continue all year, the Moon is making it easier to give your emotional responses a voice.
Two days after the week not only began with the Moon in Capricorn but at a friendly aspect to Mercury in your romantic sector, he moves into a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres there today. This was the Moon’s first visit to Capricorn since Ceres’ retrograde turn and as she forms the same aspect to Mercury that the Moon just did, this will make it even easier to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page.
In the heart of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter’s first full week in your romantic sector, still in Aquarius and having formed a friendly aspect to all three yesterday, the Moon forms a friendly aspect to the South Node in an adventurous part of your chart today. This is the same aspect the Sun and the planets of love and luck will form over the coming weeks, giving you an early taste of forces that will continue to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together for the rest of the year.
Before leaving your friendship sector yesterday, the Moon had spent the previous few days at a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your relationship sector and to Mercury, the planet of communication now in his final week in your communication sector. This helped to bring the two together, while today it is a friendly aspect between Mercury and the dwarf planet Ceres that will make it even easier to keep the communication lines open.