Horoscope for 2024-06-29

The Moon’s monthly visit to Aries is something that throughout 2024 will see it cross the lunar nodes, putting the spotlight on a balance between your own and your relationship needs. After the Sun, Venus and Mercury left your communication sector last week but with Jupiter still here, this will be a test for how well you are able to keep the communication lines open or whether there is more work to be done.

At the same time that a friendly aspect between Juno on the romantic and the dwarf planet Ceres on the adventurous front is starting to separate, Mars is closing in on a friendly aspect to both. This is not only keeping the spirit of romance and adventure alive but over the coming days Mars will add his passion to the mix, but also the confidence to fully embrace this.

While the spirit of romance is set to enjoy ongoing support, as the Moon crosses the lunar nodes today this will put the spotlight on any roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined. Because this repeats every four weeks, this is unlikely to reveal anything that you don’t already know, but for the first time since Venus, the planet of love left Gemini last week, with a renewed conviction to do something about it.

The Moon may have left an adventurous part of your chart yesterday, but after a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love as it moved through this has brought the spirit of romance and adventure together in a way that can shape your romantic desires, hopes and aspirations for the coming year. With Saturn at a standstill in his last full day in direct motion here, the doors are getting ready to open to the past and second chances.

The closer Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication draw to their return to Leo, the more there is a need to start making your life as love friendly as possible. In what is already an important year for your relationships, it is matters of the heart that are set to get a lot more attention, while increasing the communication support.

Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday you are emotionally engaged and aware as Saturn reaches his last full day in direct motion in your relationship sector. With Saturn turning retrograde tomorrow and Neptune two days later, all the relationship focus is preparing to shift to the past. However, for now, at a standstill but yet to turn retrograde, this is a day for staying in the moment.

Having begun the week in your romantic sector and at a friendly aspect to the South Node in Libra, the Moon is now in your relationship sector and in opposition. This is something that every four weeks will always put the spotlight on a balance between your own and your relationship needs, something that is just as important as the support this gave to matters of the heart earlier in the week.

Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and to the growing support from Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication, in Saturn’s last full day in direct motion here you are emotionally engaged and there is a sense of confidence. Saturn’s retrograde turn tomorrow and Neptune’s two days later has the love gods preparing to open the doors to the past and second chances.

With the Moon just now settling into your romantic sector, this sets the scene for a romantically charged weekend. While this is an ordinary monthly visit, this first visit since Mars left is a chance to capture some of his romantic passions and fighting spirit while getting a feel for the planets charged with keeping the spirit of romance alive for the rest of the year.

In a week that has been more about your relationships, it is matters of the heart that are about to get their turn. At the same time that the Moon is drawing closer to its only visit to your romantic sector while Mars is here, the warrior planet of the cosmos is drawing closer to an alliance with planets in Capricorn and in an adventurous part of your chart. This will see a mix of romance, passion and adventure build over the coming days.

In a year where there has been no planetary activity on the relationship front, the Moon’s monthly visits to your communication sector and a chance to connect with the planets there has been the next best thing. With Mercury, the planet of communication returning to your relationship sector next week to begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front this year, having the Moon in your communication sector today is a chance to get the communication lines open ahead of time.

Thanks to the Moon’s departure from Pisces yesterday, you are not only more emotionally and intuitively engaged but the contacts it made with planets on the romantic and relationship fronts has left you more aware and engaged on both fronts. With Saturn turning retrograde tomorrow, this comes just as the doors are preparing to open to the past and second chances.