Horoscope for 2024-07-05

While Venus, the planet of love is still seven days away from your romantic sector, this is giving Mercury time to settle in and for the planet of communication to focus on giving your heart a voice and putting heart and mind on the same page. As the Moon wraps up its monthly visit to your communication sector, this will make it even easier to wear your heart on your sleeve.

As a friendly aspect between Mars in Taurus and the asteroid Juno in your romantic sector peaks, as well as giving the spirit of romance a boost you have the planet of passion and the queen of commitment working together. With Juno’s 10 month visit ending next month but planets returning before then to take over, this is giving the spirit of romance a significant shot in the arm as well as something to commit to.

As the Moon leaves Gemini today, as well as leaving you feeling more emotionally and intuitively engaged there will be a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in its wake and even a sense of rebellion. These monthly visits will always see the Moon form a friendly aspect to Pluto on the adventurous and the South Node on the romantic front. With Pluto under pressure, this is causing the planet of planet of change and revolution to push back.

Having begun the week at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres in your relationship sector, it is just as the Moon returns for its monthly visit to Cancer that Mars’ friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your communication sector peaks. The Moon’s return to Cancer is something that will always put a balance between your own and your relationship needs in the spotlight but this time, with Mars and Juno working to ensure the communication lines are open.

Two days after his return to Leo, Mercury is moving on from his clash with Pluto in your relationship sector. While this puts a spotlight on a balance between your own and your relationship needs it also puts the spotlight on the support to change anything out of balance. In his early days in Leo, this is also giving Mercury, the planet of communication something to give a voice to.

A clash between Saturn in your relationship sector and the asteroid Juno in Virgo that begins today is not only a three peat, but the timing couldn’t be better. This is the third time that Saturn and Juno have clashed, each time putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs in the spotlight. However, it comes just as Juno’s friendly aspect to Mars peaks and as the Moon returns to support Saturn, giving you the support to turn this into an opportunity to tweak things.

At the same time that the pressure that was on Pluto in your romantic sector is dropping back, the Moon is wrapping up a visit to an adventurous part of your chart that had put it at a friendly aspect to the planet of change, transformation and rebellion at the time. As the Moon leaves, as well as leaving a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in its wake, there could be a sense of rebellion.

Having begun the week at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres in your communication sector and just 16 days away from leaving your relationship sector, Mars’ friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your friendship sector peaks today. Mars has been gathering the support to make his final weeks in your relationship sector count while giving you the confidence to fight for what you want from your relationships.

While the ordinary visit that it makes to your relationship sector every four weeks, as the Moon leaves today this will do more than just leave you feeling more emotionally engaged and aware. This first visit while Jupiter is on his own and the last before Mars returns has been a valuable chance to check in, with a lot more focus on the journey this time.

It is just as the Moon not only returns to your relationship sector but begins the lead up to tomorrow’s New Moon that a friendly aspect between Mars in your romantic sector and the asteroid Juno in an adventurous part of your chart peaks. As well as bringing a mix of romance, passion and adventure together, this is a chance for the warrior planet of the cosmos and the queen of commitment to join forces.

Two days after Mercury, the planet of communication not only returned to your relationship sector but to begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front this year, his clash with Pluto in Aquarius is over. This will see any personal and/or relationship tension this may have created dial back but with a better understanding of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you and the importance of having the communication lines open.

It is just as the Moon not only returns to your romantic sector today but to begin the lead up to tomorrow’s New Moon, that a friendly aspect between Mars on the communication and the asteroid Juno on the relationship front peaks. This is a chance for the warrior planet of the cosmos and the queen of commitment to join up and get serious about a war on communication barriers.