Horoscope for 2024-07-26
Mercury might leave your romantic sector today, but this is not goodbye, with a retrograde turn bringing him back for a double dip visit next month. With the Sun and Venus, planet of love staying on they will not only keep the romantic flame burning, but the Moon’s return to Aries today will add additional fuel to it.
Since October 2025, the asteroid Juno has single handedly kept the romantic flame burning, nine months after returning for what should have been a three month visit. Now, just as the queen of commitment moves into her final 16 days Mercury returns and with Venus, the planet of love just 10 days away, help has arrived to not only keep the romantic flame burning but from taking over from where she will leave off.
Mercury might leave your communication sector today, but the planet of communication won’t be gone. With the Sun still in his early days in your communication sector and Venus continuing her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice for another 10 days, Mercury leaves knowing that a retrograde turn will see him return for a double dip visit next month.
Where the weekend’s Full Moon in your relationship sector and its clash with the Sun during the last full day of your birthday month might have pushed some buttons as Mercury, the planet of communication returns to your communication sector this turns everything around. While the tension was already dropping as Mercury joins the asteroid Juno, just as she moves into her final 16 days in your communication sector, it is time to get serious about getting the communication lines open.
The week not only began with the Moon in your relationship sector, but just as in the first full day of your birthday month and new solar year the Sun was coming under pressure from Pluto there. While this is behind you and you are already using this to get a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, the Moon’s friendly aspect to the Sun today is the confidence boost you need.
Before leaving your relationship sector today and after an alignment with Saturn there yesterday, the Moon’s friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune is going to fuel your confidence and imagination. After potentially pushing some buttons yesterday, this will end this monthly visit on a positive note while Mercury, the planet of communication’s return to Virgo just a few hours later will offer a chance to give anything this may have flushed out a voice.
It is during Chiron, the planet of healing’s last full day in direct motion in your relationship sector and just days after Eris’ retrograde turn here that the Moon returns. A friendly aspect to the Sun, in his early days in your friendship sector and as Mercury, the planet of communication is leaving, kicks off a positive few days for friendship and relationship building just as the doors are opening to the past.
After Mars’ departure from your relationship sector over the weekend wrapped up a year that so far has had the dominant focus on your relationships, as the Moon leaves your romantic sector today there is a better chance to balance the scales. Before leaving a friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune is going to fuel your romantic confidence and imagination, just as with both planets here now in retrograde motion the doors are open to the past and second chances.
Returning to your romantic sector during Chiron’s last full day in direct motion here and after Eris turned retrograde earlier in the week, the Moon brings a chance to fully immerse yourself in this as the tide turns. A friendly aspect to the Sun today and to Venus, the planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart tomorrow will bring together a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia just as the doors are opening to the past and second chances.
Five days after Mars left your romantic sector, but with Uranus staying on to keep the romantic flame burning, Mercury returns to an adventurous part of your chart. In 10 days Venus, the planet of love will follow and along with Mercury, this will shore up support for Uranus while shoring up the asteroid Juno’s efforts since returning in October 2023 to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.
It is during Mercury, the planet of communication’s final hours in your relationship sector that the Moon will return for its monthly visit to your communication sector. This turns things around from the personal and/or relationship tension at the start of the week and with Chiron, the planet of healing in his last full day in direct motion in your communication sector as Mercury leaves, he and the dwarf planet Eris, already in retrograde motion will take over.
It is just a few hours after the Moon leaves Pisces today that Mercury, the planet of communication will return to your relationship sector. With the Moon gone by the time Mercury leaves they won’t clash, but as this may have pushed some buttons over the last few days and especially when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs, he returns in time to give anything this may have flushed out a voice.