Horoscope for 2024-08-01

At the same time that the Moon is wrapping up its first visit to your communication sector since Mars returned to begin his war on communication barriers, he is drawing closer to a friendly aspect to the South Node in your relationship sector that will peak tomorrow. While the last few days have already made it easier to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice, this was just the warm up.

Just as Mercury, in his early days in your romantic sector is slowing down, something that is giving the planet of communication more time to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page, the Moon returns to your communication sector. This first visit since the Sun not only left but left your communication sector empty gives the Moon a chance to work with Mercury to make today all about having the communication lines open.

A day after Venus, the planet of love’s friendly aspect to Chiron, the planet of healing peaked she moves into another friendly aspect, this time to the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos. In her final days in your communication sector and over her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice, this is giving Venus some serious influence and support.

As the Moon returns for its first visit to Cancer since your birthday month ended last week, this is more than just a chance for a personal check in. This first visit since a Full Moon in your relationship sector might put some pressure on a balance between your own and your relationship needs over the coming days but this time with Mercury, planet of communication in your communication sector.

Six days after leaving Leo Mercury, the planet of communication has the brakes on ahead of a retrograde turn that in 14 days will see him return for a double dip visit. Returning in retrograde motion this will be a chance to focus more on giving the past and unsaid words a voice, just as Pluto is entering his final month in retrograde motion in your relationship sector.

Where the Moon’s return to your relationship sector last week was a valuable chance to check in but also saw it clash with both planets in your relationship sector, today’s stars bring the same benefits but without the challenges. The Moon’s return to your friendship sector today will put it in harmony with Saturn and Neptune in your relationship sector, with some positive days coming up for friendship and relationship building.

A day after a friendly aspect between Venus, the planet of love in your friendship sector and Chiron, the planet of healing in your relationship sector peaked, another has formed. This time between Venus and the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior planet of the cosmos, who like Chiron is in her early days in retrograde motion in your relationship sector. This is creating some serious support for friendship and relationship building.

It is just as a friendly aspect between Uranus and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships is making this a special day for friendship and relationship building, the Moon returns for its monthly visit to an adventurous part of your chart. Over the coming days, a dance with both planets in your romantic sector will bring together a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia.

Another day and there is another coming together of forces on the romantic and adventurous fronts. While the last few days have seen a mix of romance, adventure, nostalgia and anticipation build it is a friendly aspect between Venus, the planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart and the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in your romantic sector that will give you the confidence to make the most of the doors open to new beginnings and to the past and second chances.

While the Moon’s return to your relationship sector today is a monthly event and something that every four weeks brings a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged, 10 days after the Sun left this is also a chance to regroup. Coming full circle from last month’s New Moon and with two Full Moons over recent months having left you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, the next few days offer a chance for a reset.

While Mercury, the planet of communication is only days away from a retrograde turn that will see him retrograde back into your relationship sector, he won’t be back for another 14 days. Until then it is Venus, the planet of love who in her final days in your relationship sector is teaming up with both planets in your communication sector that is helping to keep the communication lines open until then.

It is a happy coincidence that Mercury, the planet of communication is in your communication sector as a friendly aspect between the asteroid Juno here and Uranus in your communication sector starts to separate. Mercury has returned with the sole purpose of getting the communication lines open on the relationship front, only to find that the communication and relationship gods are already doing most of the heavy lifting.