Horoscope for 2024-08-05
The Moon is not only still in your romantic sector after yesterday’s New Moon, but more importantly during Venus, the planet of love’s final hours here. As a New Moon these romantically charged lunar vibes were already a lot more potent but with Venus working to make her final hours here count, it is with her magic added to the mix. This is not only a day for embracing the spirit of romance but for vowing to keep nurturing it.
It is just a few hours before Mercury turns retrograde in your romantic sector today that Venus returns, with the planet of love returning in time to keep new doors open as he turns back, opening the doors to the past and second chances. When Venus left in November 2023 she left the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment behind and charged with keeping the spirit of romance alive, she comes full circle to find her still here but just days away from leaving.
The Moon is not only still in your communication sector after yesterday’s New Moon but with Venus, the planet of love leaving today this will help to get the most out of the final hours of her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice. With the Sun staying on and Mercury, the planet of communication turning retrograde today and returning in 10 days for a double dip visit, for now this is more about what you can start or begin.
A few hours before Mercury, the planet of communication turns retrograde in your communication sector today and with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships just days away from leaving Venus, the planet of love returns. As Venus returns to begin her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice it will be to find all the resources she needs from the start and with the journey having already begun.
Having the Moon in Leo as Venus, the planet of love leave tomorrow and especially with the tailwind from yesterday’s New Moon, is going to make it easier to hear what your heart is telling you and to draw a new line in the sand. Venus’ mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year might be ending, but the real journey has just begun.
Having the Moon in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart during Venus, planet of love’s final days here has amplified a sense of romantic nostalgia while helping to get the most out of a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane. With every planet on the romantic and relationship fronts in retrograde motion, this has given you better access to the doors open to the past. You will still have that access even when Venus leaves and returns to Virgo today, ready for a fresh start.
It is during Venus, the planet of love’s final hours before leaving a social and serendipitous part of your chart today that the Moon is making it easier to listen to your heart. While this is amplifying support for friendship and relationship building, on the heels of yesterday’s New Moon and with heart and gut on the same page, by listening to both serendipitous moments and/or encounters are more likely.
It is just a few hours before Mercury, the planet of communication turns retrograde in your friendship sector today and as the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships moves into her final days that Venus, the planet of love returns. With Juno just days away from connecting with Uranus in your relationship sector, Venus has returned to work her magic just as there is some serious support for friendship and relationship building and from the communication gods.
Having the Moon in an adventurous part of your chart the tailwind from yesterday’s New Moon is making it easier to get the most out of Venus, the planet of love’s final hours. While Venus will leave today, bringing her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together to an end, there are planets on the romantic and adventurous fronts that together can keep the momentum going.
When Venus, the planet of love left an adventurous part of your chart in October 2023, bringing last year’s mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together to an end the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment stayed on. This has given you the resolve to keep this alive but as Juno is usually only here for three months, Venus will be delighted when she comes full circle today to find her still here. Now that Venus is here Juno can leave and will in a few days, with the spirit of romance and adventure remaining in safe hands.
Having the Moon not only in your relationship sector as Venus leaves today but with the momentum created by yesterday’s New Moon, is helping to get the most out of the planet of love’s final hours. As well as ensuring you are emotionally engaged, this is giving you the insight and understanding needed to draw a confident new line in the sand.
As Venus, the planet of love returns to your relationship sector today it is to find Mercury, the planet of communication at a standstill and on the brink of turning retrograde just a few hours later, but also that the asteroid Juno is here. Venus and Juno returned together in October 2023, but while Venus left a month later the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships stayed on. Now just days away from leaving, Venus returns to reclaim the torch and to work her magic.