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Horoscope for 2024-08-08

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At the same time that the Sun is settling into his early days on his own in your romantic sector after leaving earlier in the week, the Moon returns for its ordinary monthly visit to your relationship sector. While this is something that every four weeks brings a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships just two days away from her first visit in four years the timing couldn’t be better.
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As Venus and Mercury align in your romantic sector today, this isn’t just putting heart and mind on the same page but with Mercury in retrograde motion, this is bringing the past, present and future together. In the early days of what Venus, the planet of love is working to make some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year and with the Moon leaving your romantic sector, the stars have aligned to support both new beginnings and second chances.
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Right up until just moments before it returns to your romantic sector today, the Moon will be pushing its monthly work/life balance reminder, but with a greater purpose this time. While this is an ordinary monthly event and sets the scene for some romantically charged, it is before the Moon leaves that the first planet to reach your romantic sector is set to arrive, kicking off the most romantically charged months of 2024.
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Three days after Venus, the planet of love returned to your communication sector and since Mercury, the planet of communication turned retrograde here, they not only align today but during the Moon’s final hours. As well as putting heart and mind on the same page and making it easier to give both a voice, this is a coming together of Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice and Mercury’s to give the past and unsaid words a voice.
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As the Moon returns for its last visit to your communication sector before Pluto retrogrades back out, their friendly aspect is going to make it easier to give your emotional responses, relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice. This has been the case with each monthly visit since Pluto returned in January but this time with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships just two days away from returning to bring more long term communication support.
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The Moon is always going to push some buttons and evoke some strong emotional responses when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs, but even more so as there is something else that is already sending the same message. However, in a case of perfect timing, it comes just as Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication are aligned in Virgo and on hand to give this a voice.
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While Pluto won’t retrograde back out of your romantic sector until 2nd September and there is destined to be a lot of support from the love gods between now and then when it comes to making the most of the doors open to the past and second chances, today it is the Moon that is getting the ball rolling. It is the Moon’s friendly aspect to Pluto as it returns to Libra today that sends a message to your heart to start paying attention.
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Before leaving your friendship sector today the Moon will form a friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune in your relationship sector something that Venus, the planet of love will do when she leaves later in the month. Until then, while still playing an active role in supporting friendship and relationship building as Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication align today this is a chance to put heart and mind on the same page and give both a voice.
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The Moon returns to your friendship sector every four weeks and as well as enhancing the laws of synchronicity, a friendly aspect to Pluto in your communication sector today and Jupiter in your relationship sector over the coming days was a given. This will be a rallying of the troops across the communication, friendship and relationship fronts but this time, for the first time since Mars returned to put even more energy into your relationships.
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Before leaving an adventurous part of your chart and wrapping up its first visit since Venus, the planet of love returned earlier in the week, the Moon will spend its final hours at a friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune, in retrograde motion in your romantic sector. This is something that for a few hours each month will bring the spirit of romance and adventure together but this time, with Venus spending nearly the whole month doing the same.
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As the Moon returns for its first visit to an adventurous part of your chart since Mars returned to your romantic sector, this is going to amplify a mix of romance, passion and adventure that has been building since his return and is set to deepen over the course of the month. Mars is separating from a friendly aspect to the South Node here last week but with the asteroid Juno in an adventurous part of your chart by the end of the week and Venus, the planet of love by the end of the month.
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Before leaving your relationship sector today, as well as keeping you emotionally engaged the Moon will find itself in the wrong place at the right time today. In the wrong place because a clash with Neptune in Pisces might put a balance between your own and your relationship needs under pressure but at the right time, at the same time the Moon will not only form a friendly aspect to Uranus in your communication sector but as Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication align in your relationship sector.