Horoscope for 2024-08-09

The Moon’s monthly visits to your relationship sector are always an important chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged. While this can create strong emotional responses, this can deliver messages you aren’t otherwise consciously aware of. With the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships returning to your relationship sector tomorrow it is important to pay attention.

A day after the Moon left your romantic sector, an alignment between Mercury and Venus here is quickly separating because they are moving in opposite directions. As Venus, planet of love looks to the future, in retrograde motion Mercury is holding the doors open to the past while the romantically charged lunar vibes of the last few days have helped you to more fully embrace both.

While the Moon is making an ordinary monthly visit to your romantic sector, it is the timing that makes the influence of these romantically charged lunar vibes a lot more significant. With the asteroid Juno returning to your romantic sector tomorrow and Venus, the planet of love later in the month, the most romantically charged months of 2024 are just around the corner and this is the perfect warmup.

While the Moon has moved on, having it in your communication sector as an alignment between Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication here peaked yesterday will have ongoing implications. This has left you better able to give your emotional responses a voice while giving Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice and Mercury’s to give the past and unsaid words a voice a boost.

Whether it was the Moon’s last visit to your communication sector while Pluto is in your relationship sector or not, the Moon’s monthly visits are always going to be important for your relationships, which thrive when the communication lines are open. However, with Pluto in his final weeks, this is more important than ever though with the asteroid Juno returning to your communication sector tomorrow to help out.

Thanks to having the Moon in Virgo as an alignment between Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication here peaked is a gift that will keep on giving. As well as leaving you feeling more emotionally engaged, this has given you a better read on what your heart is telling you while with Mercury only in retrograde motion in Virgo for 10 days, making it easier to give your emotional responses, the past and unsaid words a voice.

The Moon is no longer in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart after leaving yesterday but Venus, the planet of love is and having it here during her early days has given a sense of romantic nostalgia an early boost. Venus has only been here for a few days, having returned earlier in the week to take your heart on a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane that will end with her return to Libra later in the month.

While the Moon has moved on, having potentially fuelled some strong emotional responses on both the romantic and relationship fronts yesterday, there is a chance today to unpack the message behind them. There is still some tension between dreamy Neptune in your romantic sector and the asteroid Juno, which could see life’s obligations get in the way of your romantic plans but in the process is helping to define your priorities.

As the Sun moves into his final two weeks in an adventurous part of your chart while Venus, the planet of love is gone, he is moving closer to the same aspects that just last week she made to the planets in your romantic sector. This is helping to keep Venus’ mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure alive and that includes beyond the next 14 days.

When the Moon left an adventurous part of your chart yesterday it wrapped up what was an ordinary monthly visit, though with a big difference. As the Moon’s only visit while Venus, the planet of love is here, this has given her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together an early boost. In the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment’s last full day here, this has given you something to commit to.

As the Sun moves into his final two weeks in your relationship sector he is on his own after Venus left earlier in the week, but there is still a lot of water to pass under the bridge. The Sun continues to hold the solar spotlight on your relationships but with Mercury, the planet of communication retrograding back in for a double dip visit next week the more you can simply pay attention the better.

Ten months after returning to your relationship sector in October 2023 for what should have been a three month visit the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships reaches her last full day. Juno will not only leave Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication behind but thanks to the Moon’s departure yesterday, feeling emotionally engaged and aware.