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Horoscope for 2024-08-17

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With Mercury back in your romantic sector but in retrograde motion, this is once again making it easier to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page but with a lot of focus on the past. Yet with the Sun always in direct motion, as the solar spotlight continues to shine on matters of the heart and the road ahead Mercury is opening the doors to the past.
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In between Mercury’s departure from your romantic sector two days ago and the Sun’s return next week Venus, the planet of love is using these few days on her own to make these some of the most romantically charged of the year. Helping with that is having the Moon in an adventurous part of your chart. With Venus still separating from a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres, now in her final days in retrograde motion there, today’s adventurous lunar vibes are adding fuel to an already potent mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia.
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The Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday was always going to leave you feeling more emotionally and intuitively engaged and while this may have evoked some strong emotional responses, with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. The difference this time is that you have the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication in your communication sector and just as they have been looking for something to give a voice to.
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As the Moon makes its only visit to your relationship sector while Venus, the planet of love is in your communication sector, their friendly aspect is making today the most significant of her 25 day mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice. This last visit while the dwarf planet Ceres is in retrograde motion in your relationship sector is also giving you a better read on your relationship needs and priorities while Venus is making it easier to express them.
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Between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow brings you to an important point in any month for holding onto the influence of these romantically charged lunar vibes before shifting your focus onto your relationships. With both helping to frame your romantic and relationship expectations for the coming year, it is important to pay attention while also staying in the moment.
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The Moon’s only visit to your romantic sector while Venus, the planet of love is in Virgo just happens to coincide with the few days in between Mercury’s departure two days ago and the Sun’s return next week when she is on her own. This is connecting your heart to today’s romantically charged lunar vibes in a way that doesn’t need overthinking or projecting and instead, is a chance to stay in the moment.
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The lead up to the Moon’s return to your romantic sector yesterday brings you to an important point in any month for doing what you can to make your life as love friendly as possible. With the Moon not only returning to begin the lead up to the only Full Moon in your romantic sector this year but with some favourable days coming up on the relationship front, this is something that you need to make room for.
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It was earlier in the week that the Moon, making its monthly visit to Scorpio clashed with the planets in your relationship sector, something that every four weeks can put a balance between your own and your relationship needs in the spotlight. Now, with the Moon in your communication sector and at a friendly aspect to those same planets there is a chance to give anything flushed out a voice. This time with the support of Venus, the planet of love and planets that are already working to give the past and unsaid words a voice.
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At the same time that the Sun is starting to separate from a friendly aspect to Chiron, the planet of healing in your romantic sector yesterday he is also moving towards another with the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior planet of the cosmos there. With Mercury set to do the same and as he and both planets in your romantic sector are in retrograde motion, in his early days back in an adventurous part of your chart with the Sun a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia will continue to build.
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As the Moon makes its only visit to Capricorn while Venus, the planet of love is in an adventurous part of your chart, their friendly aspect makes this a positive day for matters of the heart and especially when it comes to her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together. The Moon’s friendly aspect to planets in your romantic sector before leaving is also a taste of things to come, with Venus drawing closer to the same aspect.
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Mercury, the planet of communication only retrograded back into your relationship sector two days ago, but he has returned when there is not only growing support from the planets in your communication sector but just as this couldn’t be more important. With the Moon returning to Leo tomorrow to begin the lead up to a Full Moon that could put some pressure on your relationships, there is a chance to go into this with the communication lines open.
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While it is the Moon and Venus, the planet of love that have come together to create some magic when it comes to friendship and relationship building, the week itself started out that way. In between Mercury, the planet of communication’s departure from your relationship sector two days ago and the Sun’s return next week, the Moon and Venus can bring the laws of attraction and synchronicity together without having to overthink things. This could lead to some serendipitous moments and/or encounters.