Horoscope for 2024-08-18

It is just as Mercury is spending his first weekend back in your romantic sector after retrograding back in three days ago that the Sun has reached his last. Mercury’s return has been a reprieve, otherwise when the Sun left last week this would have been the end of all cosmic focus on matters of the heart for the year. But Mercury did retrograde back and in retrograde motion is even holding the doors open to the past and second chances.

It is just as Venus, the planet of love is embracing her first and last week on her own in your romantic sector that the Moon is wrapping up its monthly visit to an adventurous part of your chart. A week that began with Venus at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres in an adventurous part of your chart ends with the Moon having done what it could to keep the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia alive.

When the asteroid Juno returned to your romantic sector last weekend she moved straight into a friendly aspect to Pluto in an adventurous part of your chart. A week on and the tables are turned, with the Moon’s return to an adventurous part putting it straight into a friendly aspect to the queen of commitment. This begins the lead up to a Full Moon that is going to give the spirit of romance and adventure another boost.

It is just as Venus, the planet of love is spending her first and only weekend in your communication sector after Mercury retrograded back out three days ago and before the Sun returns next week, that the Moon wraps up its monthly visit to your relationship sector. This wasn’t just the Moon’s only visit while Venus is in your communication sector, but this managed to coincide with the few days where it is all about her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice.

On the one hand, the Moon’s return to your relationship sector today begins the lead up to a Full Moon that in the final days of your birthday month could put pressure on a balance between your own and your relationship needs. On the other hand with Mercury, the planet of communication in his first weekend back in Leo and the Moon moving straight into a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your communication sector, the communication gods are in position.

It is during the final hours of the Moon’s only visit to your romantic sector while Venus, the planet of love is in Virgo that a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres, in her last weekend in an adventurous part of your chart is going to see a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia spike. While Venus began the week at the same aspect, the weekend will make this easier to embrace.

The Moon might return to your romantic sector every four weeks, but even if this wasn’t to begin the lead up to the only romantically charged Full Moon of 2024, this last visit before Pluto leaves was going to make this a lot more significant. This comes just as the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication are both making this a positive day for friendship and relationship building.

What is making the final hours of the Moon’s ordinary monthly visit to your communication sector a lot more significant is that it will spend them at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres in your relationship sector. This has been the case since Ceres returned in February to begin a deep dive into your relationship needs and priorities but turning direct next week, with this last visit while in retrograde motion offering a chance to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice.

Days after the Moon not only clashed with Mars and Jupiter in your relationship sector but just as their alignment peaked, it returns for its monthly visit to your relationship sector. This was always going to make it easier to give anything flushed out a voice but as the Moon not only returns for its last visit before Pluto retrogrades back out of your communication sector but as a Full Moon, a real breakthrough is possible.

After a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart yesterday, the Moon is spending its final hours in Capricorn at a friendly aspect to Uranus just as he is about to move into his final two weeks in direct motion in your romantic sector. It won’t be until later in the month that Venus and Uranus will connect directly, but with the Moon helping to amplify the spirit of romance and adventure that is already starting to come together.

It is just as the Moon returns to Aquarius to begin the lead up to a Full Moon that will clash with the Sun in his final days in your relationship sector, the communication gods are rallying to turn this into an opportunity for a breakthrough. Meanwhile, at the same time that Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first weekend back in your communication sector the Sun is spending his last at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in your communication sector.

In her first and last weekend on her own in your relationship sector after Mercury, the planet of communication retrograded back out three days ago and before the Sun returns next week, Venus is making it all about listening to your heart while staying in the moment. Mercury has left you with the resources to keep the communication lines open if you want to and the Sun’s return next week will bring more clarity, but for now, the reality checks can wait.