Horoscope for 2024-08-19
What makes an alignment between the Sun and Mercury today significant is that Mercury is in retrograde motion. When that happens, Mercury passes between the Sun and Earth, increasing its potency and message. With both under pressure from a Full Moon and the spirit of romance from life’s demands in general, this makes the link between heart and mind but also between the past, present and future able to deliver clearer messages.
The Moon may have left an adventurous part of your chart yesterday, this has not only left behind a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia but this is in safe hands. This was not just the only visit while Venus, the planet of love is in your romantic sector and the last while the dwarf planet Ceres is in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart, but just as they have already joined forces.
What makes today’s alignment between the Sun and Mercury in your communication sector significant is that Mercury is in retrograde motion and also the timing. It was just a few days ago that the Moon, passing through your relationship sector may have pushed some buttons. There is not only a chance now to give anything this may have flushed out a voice but the past and unsaid words as well.
Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday, there is a chance to move into the dwarf planet Ceres’ final seven days in retrograde motion here more emotionally engaged and aware as well as feeling more confident. Especially as the Moon not only moved into a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love in your communication sector as it moved through but just as she is already working with Ceres to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice.
With the Moon not only in your relationship sector but as a Full Moon this is likely to be whipping up some strong emotional responses, there is a chance to move into Pluto’s final two weeks here feeling more emotionally engaged and aware. Even any pressure this might be putting on a balance between your own and your relationship needs is a chance to get the most out of the planet of change and transformation’s final 14 days.
In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow, life may have taken a busier turn. With a Full Moon starting to put how well you know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off to the test as this was the Moon’s only visit while Venus is in Virgo, you have the planet of love helping you to hold onto the romantically charged lunar vibes of the last few days.
In a case of perfect timing, the Moon is not only in your romantic sector as Pluto, the planet of change and transformation moves into his final 14 days here, but as Full Moon these romantically charged lunar vibes are as potent as they come. The Moon’s friendly aspect to Mars and Jupiter in an adventurous part of your chart will add even more potency and especially when it comes to a mix of romance, passion and adventure.
Thanks to a friendly aspect to the Moon just before it left your communication sector yesterday, Uranus can move into his final two weeks in direct motion in your relationship sector with a new sense of confidence and awareness, as well as with the communication lines open. With the dwarf planet Ceres moving into her final seven days in retrograde motion in your communication sector today, this is already making it easier to give the past and unsaid words a voice.
Just as the Sun is separating from a friendly aspect to both planets in your romantic sector and Mercury is just a day away from doing the same, they align in an adventurous part of your chart. With Mercury in retrograde motion and both planets in your romantic sector also in retrograde motion, a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia is set to deepen. Meanwhile, a Full Moon is giving the communication lines on the relationship front a serious boost.
As well as leaving you feeling more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware, when the Moon left Capricorn yesterday it not only wrapped up its only visit while Venus, the planet of love is in an adventurous part of your chart but the last before Uranus turns retrograde in your romantic sector. With the planets that together rule the laws of attraction and synchronicity already becoming a tighter unit, this has given the spirit of romance and adventure a boost.
Today’s Full Moon in Aquarius might put some pressure on your relationships, but the timing couldn’t be better. Not only are the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication aligned in your communication sector but with both at a friendly aspect to and in harmony with both planets in your communication sector. At the same time, the Moon’s friendly aspect to Mars and Jupiter in your romantic sector is giving the spirit of romance a serious boost.
At the same time that Venus is making the most of her final days on her own in your relationship sector before the Sun returns, she is moving closer to a friendly aspect to Uranus in your communication sector. Four days after Mercury retrograded back out of your relationship sector and with the Moon having just connected with Uranus yesterday, this is keeping the communication lines open without having to get too real.