Horoscope for 2024-08-30
It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first full day back in direct motion in your romantic sector that Venus, the planet of love returns to your relationship sector. In time to make the most of Mars’ final days in your communication sector, Venus’ return not only brings the love, communication and relationship gods out in force today but with some serious support for friendship and relationship building.
As Venus, the planet of love leaves your romantic sector and ends what can be some of the most romantically charged days of the year, the Sun and the dwarf planet Ceres get together to ensure this continues. The Sun, now on his own in your romantic sector until Mercury returns in 10 days moves into a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres, in her early days in direct motion in an adventurous part of your chart. This is a continuation of where Venus has already worked to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.
Over three weeks before the Sun is due to return to your romantic sector Venus, the planet of love not only makes an early return but with the best possible timing. Venus’ return will put her straight into a friendly aspect to Pluto, three days before the planet of change and transformation is due to retrograde back out of an adventurous part of your chart. With Mars still in Gemini, this will see a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure build over the coming days and especially over the weekend.
As Venus, planet of love leaves your communication sector today this will bring her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice to an end, but with the Sun and the dwarf planet Ceres immediately stepping in to continue what she began. It is just as Venus leaves that a friendly aspect between the Sun in your communication sector and the dwarf planet Ceres, in her early days in direct motion in your relationship sector peaks.
Venus, the planet of love not only returns to your communication sector today but will move straight into a friendly aspect to Pluto, just three days before the planet of change and transformation is due to retrograde back out of your relationship sector. With Mercury, the planet of communication in his first full day in direct motion in Leo, this is a major turnaround on the communication and relationship fronts.
Three days before Pluto, the planet of change and transformation is due to retrograde back into your romantic sector for his last double dip visit in our lifetime Venus, the planet of love leaves Virgo. A friendly aspect between the Sun in Virgo and the dwarf planet Ceres in your romantic sector and the Moon’s friendly aspect to Saturn in your relationship sector ends Venus’ mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year in an empowered way.
From the moment that Venus, the planet of love returns to Libra today to begin her annual update of your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year, it will be clear from the start that this will be no ordinary year on either front. For the first time in our lifetime Venus not only returns to find Pluto in your romantic sector, but their friendly aspect will make it easier to get the most out of his final days there and her early days in your sign.
Ahead of Mars’ return to an adventurous part of your chart next week, as the Moon makes its last visit before the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos returns it is forming a friendly aspect to Saturn in your romantic sector today and will form another to dreamy Neptune in your romantic sector before leaving tomorrow. Where this is briefly bringing together the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia, this is a taste of things to come that will be a lot more enduring.
With Mars now just six days away from leaving your relationship sector and Pluto just three days away from retrograding back out of your communication sector, the planets that have had a major impact on the communication and relationship fronts are just days away from leaving. Jupiter will stay on in your relationship sector, but it is Venus’ return to your friendship sector today and friendly aspect to Pluto that kicks off a powerful few days for friendship and relationship building and for getting the communication lines open.
Having the Moon in your relationship sector today is a monthly event and something that every four weeks brings a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged and aware. While its clash with the dwarf planet Ceres in Capricorn may have pushed some buttons yesterday, its friendly aspect to Saturn in your communication sector today is a chance to give anything flushed out a voice. With Mars just six days away from the start of his longest visit to your relationship sector in two decades, this couldn’t be more important.
As Mercury, the planet of communication spends his first full day in direct motion in your relationship sector there is a chance to pause, knowing that the Moon’s return tomorrow will start getting the communication lines moving again. In the meantime as Venus, the planet of love returns to an adventurous part of your chart, her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together will get an immediate and powerful boost from the start.
At the same time that the Moon is making its last visit to your romantic sector before Mars returns next week and today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are warming things up ahead of time, as Venus leaves your relationship sector she is going to leave your relationships in safe hands. As Venus leaves the Sun is not only staying on, but teams up with the dwarf planet Ceres to make this a powerful day for friendship and relationship building.