Horoscope for 2024-09-09

Over two months after returning for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit to your romantic sector, Mercury finally leaves today, but not before putting in a heroic effort to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. This ends all the planetary activity on the romantic front until Mars returns in November, just as Venus is starting to create some real magic on the relationship front.

Having already returned to your romantic sector in late July but then retrograding back out three weeks later, Mercury returns today to find Venus, the planet of love gone but the Sun still there. This is a chance for a do over, while the solar spotlight is still on matters of the heart. Meanwhile, the Moon’s monthly visit to your relationship sector is a chance to take advantage of Mars’ early days in your communication sector.

In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow, the focus today is on Mercury’s final hours in your communication sector. While Mercury had retrograded back in just weeks after leaving, that won’t be the case this time. With your communication sector remaining empty until Mars returns in November, these final hours are all about working with the planet of communication to get the communication lines open.

It is while the Moon is making its last visit to your romantic sector before Venus, the planet of love returns in two weeks that it forms a friendly aspect to Saturn in an adventurous part of your chart and draws closer to another with dreamy Neptune there. This is a monthly event, but with Mars in her early days in Cancer and the most romantically charged months of the year just 14 days away, as the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia comes together this is a taste of things to come.

While an ordinary monthly visit, when the Moon left your communication sector yesterday it left the communication lines in the safe hands of Venus, the planet of love and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment. As Venus moves into the final two weeks of her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice this has made it easier to express yourself while giving the resolve to continue what this has started.

As an opposition between the Sun in Virgo and Saturn in your relationship sector that peaked yesterday starts to separate and any pressure starts to drop, the communication gods are rallying on both sides. Just as a balance between your own and relationship needs is being tested the Moon, moving through your communication sector forms a friendly aspect to Saturn while Mercury, the planet of communication joins the Sun in Virgo.

The Moon’s departure from Libra yesterday was always going to leave you feeling more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware, but as the only visit while Venus, the planet of love is here this has also left you with a better read on what your heart is telling you. A week after Pluto left your romantic sector, you are likely to be even more sure of what you want from love.

As the Moon makes its last visit to Scorpio before Venus, the planet of love returns in two weeks, the Moon is giving you a taste of things to come. A friendly aspect to planets in your romantic sector but a clash with those in your relationship sector might send some mixed messages, but it is these encounters that Venus will use to shape your romantic and relationship desires, hopes and dreams for the coming year.

As Mercury gets ready to leave an adventurous part of your chart today, he is still separating for his third friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Eris in your romantic sector since he returned in July. This is giving the spirit of romance and adventure one last boost just as Venus, the planet of love is getting ready to lend her full support to your relationships.

A week after Uranus turned retrograde in your romantic sector, Mercury joins the Sun in an adventurous part of your chart. Over the coming weeks all three will become a tighter unit, bringing the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia together. With the Moon giving Mars’ early days in your romantic sector a boost, there is a lot to look forward to on both fronts.

Over two months after returning for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit to your relationship sector Mercury, the planet of communication finally leaves today, though not before doing everything he can to get the communication lines open. That includes forming a friendly aspect to both planets in your communication sector three times, the last as recently as just a few days ago. As they are both staying on, this leaves the communication lines in safe hands.

In a case of perfect timing Mercury, the planet of communication joins the Sun in your relationship sector just as he is getting some pushback from a clash with Saturn in Pisces. This might put some pressure on a balance between your own and relationship needs, but with Mercury returning in time to turn this into an opportunity for a breakthrough.