Horoscope for 2024-09-10
When Mercury left your romantic sector yesterday, he left it empty for the first time since he returned over two months ago. However, unlike most years, you won’t have to wait for another year. Instead, with Mars less than two months away, this has left the door open for a chance to take this to the next level. Meanwhile, the focus has shifted to the magic that Venus, the planet of love is brewing up on the romantic front.
It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first full day back in your romantic sector, that the Moon is wrapping up its monthly visit to your romantic sector. When Mercury wraps up his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page in 16 days this will end all planetary activity on the romantic front, while the Moon leaves you with a sense of the exciting times ahead on the relationship front.
While Mercury, the planet of communication not only left your communication sector but left it empty until Mars returns in November, as the Moon returns to your relationship sector today there is still a chance to benefit from this. Normally here for just 14 to 15 days, Mercury has invested an enormous amount of time into getting the communication lines open, making it easier from the start to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice.
It is just as Pluto is settling into his second week back in your relationship sector that Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first full day back in your communication sector. Because for both this is a do over or an opportunity for a second chance, this will make it easier to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice. Meanwhile, as the Moon leaves your romantic sector it leaves behind a taste of things to come.
The Moon’s return to your romantic sector today means that this will not only be here during the heart of the working week but will team up with both planets in an adventurous part of your chart, the timing couldn’t be better. The Sun and Saturn have just spent the last two days delivering a powerful work/life balance reminder, with a chance to put this into practice.
At the same time that an opposition between the Sun and Saturn that had been putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first full day back in Virgo. As the Moon leaves your communication sector, it wraps up its own push to keep the communication lines open.
Just as Mercury, the planet of communication not only spent much of last week at a friendly aspect to both planets in your relationship sector, but for the third time in less than two months, the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your communication sector. It comes just a day after Mercury moved on, with the Moon jumping in and continuing from where he left off.
As the Moon wraps up its last visit to Scorpio before Venus, the planet of love returns to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year, this not only leaves you more emotionally engaged and aware but with a chance to get a jump on the process. The last few days have seen the Moon connect with planets on the romantic and relationship fronts, just as there is an exciting mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure brewing.
The Moon’s return to Sagittarius today is more than just a chance to check in and get your personal bearings. While this will see the Moon clash with Jupiter in your relationship sector after Mars left last week without the same pushback. At the same time, as the Moon connects with planets on the romantic front, in the heart of the working week this is going to give the spirit of romance a boost.
As Mercury settles into his first full day back in an adventurous part of your chart, this is a chance to resume his partnership with Uranus in your romantic sector, but with some big changes since he retrograded back out last month. This time it is Uranus who is in retrograde motion and in Mercury’s final 16 days this will see a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia become tighter.
Mercury’s departure from your relationship sector not only left it empty until Mars returns in November, but after Pluto left Aquarius last week there is nothing for any remaining personal and/or relationship tension to stick to. Instead, between them this has left you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, with planets staying on in your communication sector after Mercury, the planet of communication left yesterday.
It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication is settling into his first full day back in your relationship sector, that any pressure from the Sun’s clash with Saturn in Pisces is receding. This leaves you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you and now with a chance to give anything this may have flushed out a voice.