Horoscope for 2024-10-04
The Moon is not only still in your relationship sector after yesterday’s eclipsing New Moon but today teams up with Jupiter, now in his final days in direct motion in your communication sector. Days before a friendly aspect between Jupiter and Mercury, the planet of communication in your communication sector, the communication and relationship gods are already starting to work together just as there is an opportunity to draw a new line in the sand.
While Venus will remain in your relationship sector for another two weeks, with the Sun not returning until after she leaves, this is giving her time to put her stamp on things. Even Mercury, the planet of communication is 10 days away from a chance to focus on getting the communication lines open. Instead, Venus is working her magic and focusing more on the ‘what’ than the when, where and how.
The Moon is not only still in your romantic sector after yesterday’s eclipsing New Moon, but today’s romantically charged lunar vibes get an additional boost thanks to a friendly aspect to Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. Jupiter expands anything he comes into contact with and today it is not just their romantically charged lunar vibes but the element of fate that they have triggered.
Venus not only moves into her final two weeks in your romantic sector today but is just days away from a friendly aspect to Saturn in an adventurous part of your chart and to Mars in Cancer, which will peak a few days later. With the Moon returning tomorrow, there is not just a romantically charged weekend ahead but some of the most romantically charged days of the year.
The Moon is not only still in your communication sector after yesterday’s eclipsing New Moon but as Mercury, the planet of communication moves into his final 10 days the support is building. Today this is coming from the Moon’s friendly aspect to Jupiter, but with Mercury just days away from doing the same, this is extending the impact of what is already a chance for a communication breakthrough.
At the same time that Venus, the planet of love moves into her final two weeks in your communication sector, her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice is about to get a serious boost. The Moon’s return tomorrow will ensure you are emotionally engaged and aware as Venus heads into a friendly aspect to Saturn in your relationship sector that will peak over the weekend. This is a major coming together of the communication and relationship gods.
The Moon will clash with both planets in your relationship sector each time it returns for its monthly visit to Libra, making this an ordinary monthly event. The difference this time is that on the heels of yesterday’s eclipsing New Moon, where this is putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs in the spotlight there is a chance to draw a new line in the sand.
At the same time that Venus, the planet of love moves into her final two weeks in Scorpio she is also drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Saturn in your romantic sector that will peak over the weekend and another to Mars in an adventurous part of your chart that will peak a few days later. Get ready for a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure to increase.
The Moon is still in your friendship sector after yesterday’s eclipsing New Moon as it teams up with Jupiter in your relationship sector today. While making this a positive and even lucky day for friendship and relationship building, this is also a taste of things to come with Mercury, the planet of communication just days away from doing the same.
As Venus, the planet of love moves into her final two weeks in your friendship sector she is starting to get some serious support. Just days away from a friendly aspect to Saturn in your communication sector that will peak in your communication sector over the weekend and to another with Mars in your relationship sector a few days later, the support for friendship and relationship building is growing.
The Moon is not only still in an adventurous part of your chart after yesterday’s eclipsing New Moon but forms a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your romantic sector today. While this has happened every four weeks since Jupiter’s return, bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together on a regular basis, the eclipse has not only energised things but brought the element of fate into play.
With the Sun and Mercury having left your relationship sector last week and the Moon having wrapped up its monthly visit two days ago, the focus is now shifting to matters of the heart and all things romantic. The Moon will continue to return to your relationship sector every four weeks, but now it is a coming together of Venus, planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart and Mars in your romantic sector that is getting your attention.