Horoscope for 2024-10-09

In a case of perfect timing, it is while Mercury and Chiron, one the planet of communication and the other the queen of commitment are already aligned in your relationship sector that they not only form a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your communication sector today, but just as he turns retrograde. This is a powerful day on both the communication and relationship fronts, with everything needed to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice without losing sight of where you are going.

In the heart of her last full week in your relationship sector Venus, the planet of love is separating from a friendly aspect to Mars in your communication sector but with the two still joint at the hip. Until Mercury, the planet of communication returns to your relationship sector in five days this is giving you everything needed to keep the communication lines open while Venus continues to work her magic.

Knowing that Venus, planet of love will return next week to begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front since the early weeks of the year, makes it important to pay attention to all your emotional responses before the Moon leaves today. Meanwhile Mercury has the support to get the most out of his final days in your romantic sector and of his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page.

While in the heart of Venus, the planet of love’s last full week in your romantic sector she is starting to separate from a friendly aspect to Mars in Cancer that peaked yesterday and to Saturn in an adventurous part of your chart over the weekend, there is still a strong mix of romance, passion and adventure in the air and will be until she leaves. Meanwhile, the Moon returns to your relationship sector in time to guide you into Pluto’s final days in retrograde motion here.

Heart of the working week or not, the final hours of the Moon’s last visit to your romantic sector before Venus, the planet of love’s return next week makes it important to listen to your heart. Whether you have time to embrace the spirit of romance now or not, with Venus on her way there is time to start making your life as love friendly as possible.

It might be the heart of the working week, but the Moon’s return to your romantic sector today couldn’t come with better timing. The Moon returns in time to become more fully immersed in Pluto’s final days ever in retrograde motion in your romantic sector again in our lifetime. Over the coming days, a sense of romantic nostalgia will make it easier to embrace the doors the planet of change and transformation is holding open to the past.

It is a given that the Moon will spend its final hours at a friendly aspect to both planets in your relationship sector, but it is the timing that is making this a lot more significant. This comes just as both planets in your relationship sector are coming under pressure from Mercury, the planet of communication and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in Libra. This is a chance to both flush out any issues and give them a voice.

Two days after the Moon spent its final hours in Scorpio clashed with Uranus in your relationship sector, the Moon not only returns for its monthly visit to your communication sector but in time to get the most out of Pluto’s final days in retrograde motion here. With Uranus also in retrograde motion, days after pushing old buttons or flushing out old issues, the Moon returns with a chance to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

It is during the Moon’s final hours in Sagittarius that your emotional responses will be drawn in different directions. A clash with Jupiter just as he turns retrograde in your relationship sector will make a balance between your own and your relationship needs more transparent just as the doors open to the past and second chances. At the same time, a friendly aspect to both planets in your romantic sector will give the spirit of romance a boost.

Whether it is the doors that Uranus is holding open to the past and second chances on the romantic front or the support for Mars and your relationships that is coming from Venus, the planet of love, making time for both is important and requires some compromise. As you move into a few days where your work/life balance might come under pressure, it is more important than ever to pay attention.

After returning in May to begin your luckiest year for love and the most important for matters of the heart and all things romantic in over a decade, Jupiter turns retrograde in your romantic sector today. Jupiter will remain in retrograde motion until February, giving you a chance to both review the journey so far and make the most of the doors now open to the past and second chances.

A friendly aspect between Venus, the planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart and Mars in your romantic sector that peaked yesterday is starting to separate but they will remain closely connected all week. This is adding fuel and confidence to Mars’ romantic passions and fighting spirit and to Venus’ mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.