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Horoscope for 2024-10-10

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As Jupiter spends his first full day in retrograde motion in your communication sector he is separating from a friendly aspect to Mercury, the planet of communication in your relationship sector but is still closely linked to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment there. This is something that will remain tight until the weekend, with a chance to secure the opportunity this brings to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice.
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At the same time that Venus and Mars, the planets of love and passion are still working together to get the communication lines open on the relationship front, today’s adventurous lunar vibes are helping to capture the spirit of romance and adventure. The last time the Moon moved through an adventurous part of your chart without forming a friendly aspect to a planet in your romantic sector as it moved through was in July 2023, with these adventurous lunar vibes now programmed to pick up on the spirit of romance as well.
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As well as leaving you feeling more emotionally engaged and aware, the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday is likely to have left you with a sense of anticipation. While this was an ordinary monthly visit with Venus, the planet of love now just eight days away from returning with a chance to work her magic.
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Having the Moon in your relationship sector while Pluto is in retrograde motion here is not a new experience, but after he turns direct in two days it is something that won’t be experienced again in our lifetime. This is a chance to move into these final days where the planet of change and transformation has the doors open to the past emotionally engaged and aware.
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The Moon may have left your romantic sector yesterday, but it leaves behind a sense of anticipation and with your heart’s over the horizon radar now alert to come exciting developments ahead. While Venus, the planet of love began the year in your romantic sector, she will return next week to do it again, this time leading a parade of planets that will keep things active on the romantic front through to the early months of 2025.
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Having the Moon in your romantic sector while Pluto is in retrograde motion here is nothing new, having experienced this multiple times each year since the planet of change and transformation returned in 2008. However, while this is nothing new it is something that won’t be repeated again in our lifetime. A sense of romantic nostalgia today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are tapping into needs to be embraced.
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With Mercury and Juno not only still closely aligned in Libra but still at odds with both planets in your relationship sector, this might see any personal and/or relationship tension linger for a few more days. However, as well as a chance to get the most out of Mercury, the planet of communication’s final days in Libra Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships is using this to better understand what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
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While Venus is separating from both a friendly aspect to Saturn in your romantic sector over the weekend and to Mars in an adventurous part of your chart that peaked two days ago, she will stay in harmony with both until leaving Scorpio next week. Venus is on a mission to not only raise the bar on your romantic and relationship desires, hopes and dreams for the coming year but to start turning them into reality.
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As Jupiter settles into his first full day in retrograde motion in your relationship sector, he is still surrounded by the kind of support that allows you to move into the next phase in the journey with confidence and the communication lines open. With both planets in your romantic sector already in retrograde motion, in the final days of her nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane, this is giving Venus, the planet of love access to the doors open to the past on the romantic and relationship fronts.
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At the same time that Venus, the planet of love is separating from a friendly aspect to Mars in your relationship sector that peaked two days ago, they are both still separating from a friendly aspect to Saturn in your communication sector last week. This has brought the love, communication and relationship gods into alignment at a time of year when there is rarely any focus on your relationships.
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As Jupiter settles into his first full day in retrograde motion in your romantic sector and into a new phase of the journey, he is still closely aligned with Mercury and the asteroid Juno in an adventurous part of your chart. As well as bringing together a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia, this is giving you the confidence to embrace the journey that this is going to take your heart on over the coming months.
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A friendly aspect between Mars in your romantic sector and Venus in an adventurous part of your chart might be starting to separate, but the planets of love and passion remain closely aligned. Until Venus leaves next week, they will continue to work together to bring a mix of romance, passion and adventure together in a way that they rarely get a chance to do.