Horoscope for 2024-10-11

With Venus, the planet of love just seven days away from an adventurous part of your chart and the start of her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, with this is both a sense of anticipation in the air and thanks to the Moon’s recent visit a taste of things to come. Meanwhile, in his final days in your relationship sector Mercury, the planet of communication is hard at working getting the communication lines open.

At the same time that Venus, the planet of love moves into her final seven days in your relationship sector she is separating from but still closely connected to Mars in your communication sector. That will remain the case until Venus leaves next week while Mercury, the planet of communication’s return in three days will add even more support from the communication gods.

With Venus, the planet of love just seven days away from your relationship sector and an early start to the annual focus on your relationships that doesn’t usually begin until the second half of November, the Moon’s recent visit has become a lot more important. As the Moon only left two days ago you are able to hold onto the awareness and emotional responses this left you with.

Having the Moon in your relationship sector during Pluto’s last full day ever in retrograde motion here is a chance to ensure you are emotionally engaged and paying attention. Even the Moon’s clash with Mars in Cancer is timely, with a chance to flush out what you want from your relationships and what they need from you before the focus shifts to the future.

With Venus, the planet of love just seven days away from her early return to your romantic sector and Pluto turning direct tomorrow and beginning his trek back to your relationship sector, on both fronts there is a sense of anticipation. The Moon’s departure from your romantic sector two days ago and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow is helping to amplify that.

Having the Moon not only in your romantic sector during Pluto’s last full day ever in retrograde motion here but at a friendly aspect to Uranus, in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart is helping to amplify a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia. Today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are making it even easier to embrace the doors open to the past and second chances.

On both the romantic and relationship fronts there is a sense of anticipation or change in the air and in both cases, this is something to be excited about. Already your over the horizon radar will be picking up on the Moon’s approach, but its return to your romantic sector tomorrow will come just as Pluto’s direct turn will see the planet of change and transformation make a U turn and start heading back. Meanwhile, there will be something special on the communication and relationship fronts next week.

While having the Moon in your communication sector during Pluto’s last full day in retrograde motion here is an advantage, helping you get even more out of this is its friendly aspect to Uranus, in retrograde motion in your relationship sector. This is making it easier for your relationships to benefit from the final hours of the planet of change and transformation’s mission to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

As Venus moves into her final seven days in Sagittarius, thanks to Jupiter’s retrograde turn two days ago it is with the doors open to the past and second chances on both the romantic and relationship fronts. Venus is taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane at a time when every planet in your romantic and relationship sectors are now in retrograde motion, with their focus also on the past.

Having the Moon in Capricorn during Pluto’s last full day in retrograde motion here is doing more than just ensuring you are emotionally engaged and aware. A friendly aspect to Uranus, in retrograde motion is amplifying a sense of romantic nostalgia at a time when the doors are open to the past and second chances. At the same time, a clash with Mars is making it easier to see what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

Two days after turning retrograde in your romantic sector, Jupiter is still enjoying the support of the planets in an adventurous part of your chart and that will not only continue but strengthen when the Sun gets involved next week. As well as creating a growing mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia, this is giving you the confidence to embrace the doors now open to the past and second chances.

As she moves into her final seven days in an adventurous part of your chart Venus, the planet of love is still enjoying the support of Mars in your romantic sector and will do until she leaves. With Mars in your romantic sector for the rest of the month and more planets set to return to an adventurous part of your chart in that time, a mix of romance, passion and adventure is only going to rise.