Horoscope for 2024-10-12

While there will be tension between your own and your relationship needs right through until next week’s Full Moon, for now the clash between the asteroid Juno in your relationship sector and Chiron, the planet of healing in Aries that has dominated the week is running its course. This may have pushed some old buttons and touched some old sore spots, but with massive support from the communication gods to begin the healing process.

While Uranus will remain in retrograde motion in your romantic sector for the rest of the year, the Moon’s departure from an adventurous part of your chart just as Pluto turns direct leaves behind a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia that you can hold onto and embrace. On the adventurous front, the focus turns to the future while on the romantic front, the doors will remain open to the past.

It is just before Pluto turns direct today and begins making his way back to an adventurous part of your chart that the Moon not only returns but moves straight into a friendly aspect to the South Node in your romantic sector. Over the coming days the Moon will go on to connect with the Sun and both planets in your romantic sector, reawakening the spirit of romance and adventure.

It is just before Pluto turns direct in your relationship sector today that the Moon will leave, ensuring you are emotionally engaged and aware while the focus is still on the past but also as it shifts to the future. There is a sense of finality to Pluto’s direct turn today, for while he has done this each year since his return in 2008 it is for the last time. This is a day for putting the past behind you.

It is just a few hours before Pluto’s direct turn today that will see him turn around and begin his five and a half week trek back to your relationship sector that the Moon returns. Just the fact that the planet of change and transformation is on his way back is something to be excited about but also to start preparing for. This includes working with the communication gods to get the communication lines open.

It is just a few hours before Pluto turns direct in your romantic sector today that the Moon will leave. The romantically charged lunar vibes of the last few days have made it easier to get the most out of the doors open to the past while making it easier to sense Pluto’s direct turn and the shift in focus away from the past and onto the road ahead.

At a time when there is growing focus on a balance between your own and your relationship needs and that will continue through to next week’s Full Moon, there is also an opportunity for healing and to better understand what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. Meanwhile, the Moon’s return to your romantic sector not only sets the scene for a romantically charged weekend but heralds a major shift ahead.

As she moves into her last weekend in Scorpio and of her mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year, Venus is yet to connect directly with the planets that are dominating both. Before leaving next week, Venus will connect directly with Neptune in your romantic and Uranus in your relationship sector, planets that will stay on to support the journey.

Just as Jupiter is heading into his first weekend in retrograde motion in your relationship sector, the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your communication sector. While an ordinary monthly visit and something that over the coming days, as it connects with Jupiter will make it easier to give your emotional responses, relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice, it comes just as Pluto turns direct and begins his five and a half week trek back to your communication sector.

The Moon will still be separating from its friendly aspect to Uranus in your romantic sector when it leaves Capricorn today, but also from its last clash with Mars before he leaves your relationship sector. As well as leaving you feeling more emotionally engaged and aware, this will leave you with a better sense of what you are fighting for on the relationship front while leaving a sense of romantic nostalgia in its wake.

The Moon’s return to Aquarius today might be an ordinary monthly event, but there are not only hints of change in the air but a chance over the weekend to get a better feel for a major change earlier in the week. The Moon returns in time to spend Jupiter’s first weekend in retrograde motion in your romantic sector in over a decade closely aligned, amplifying a sense of romantic nostalgia.

With Venus leaving an adventurous part of your chart next week, Mars just two days away from moving into his final three weeks in your romantic sector and the planets of love and passion still separating from their friendly aspect earlier in the week, the planets of love and passion will be working to make the coming weekend count. The scene is set for a romantically charged weekend.