Horoscope for 2024-10-17

At the same time that the impact from the Full Moon in Aries and the pressure this is putting on the Sun in your relationship sector is starting to bite an alignment with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships peaks. This is a chance to not just get to the heart of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you but commit to what this is telling you.

At the same time that Venus, the planet of love reaches her last full day in your relationship sector she is still separating from a friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune. With Mercury, the planet of communication settled in after his return to your relationship sector three days ago and the Sun returning next week, Venus is not only leaving your relationship sector in safe hands but is free to make these final hours more about looking at what’s possible through rose coloured glasses.

A day before Venus, the planet of love is due to return to your relationship sector to begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front since the early weeks of the year, an alignment between the Sun and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your romantic sector peaks. This is creating a sense of defiance and the confidence to stand up to roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined.

Still separating from a friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune in an adventurous part of your chart as Venus, the planet of love reaches his last full day in your romantic sector at not only the busiest part of the week but just as a Full Moon is giving this professional year a shot in the arm. With a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in the air as well this is giving you the confidence to make time for not only the spirit of romance but your relationships as well.

While the Moon will leave an adventurous part of your chart just after Venus, the planet of love returns to your romantic sector tomorrow, as a Full Moon this is giving the spirit of adventure a shot in the arm that will get the romantically charged weeks ahead off to a good start. It is the planets in an adventurous part of your chart that will help to keep the spirit of romance and adventure alive.

Thanks to Mercury, the planet of communication’s return to your communication sector three days ago and the fact that the Sun will return next week, as Venus reaches her last full day there is no urgency. Still separating from a friendly aspect to Neptune in your relationship sector that brought the planets of love and dreams together, the final days of Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice have been some of the best.

Even if today’s Full Moon in your relationship sector and its clash with the Sun in Libra wasn’t putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test, there are planets that are already doing just that. What today’s Full Moon does is evoke stronger emotional responses, with a chance to flush out once and for all what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday just as her friendly aspect to dreamy Neptune there had peaked Venus, the planet of love’s last full day in Scorpio is filled with romantic confidence and potential. It was a clash with Uranus in your relationship sector that has also helped with a mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations before your birthday month and new solar year begins next week.

Heart of the working week or not, today’s romantically charged Full Moon is going to demand your attention. As well as the Moon, it is the planets in your romantic sector that are also ready to fight back and with both in retrograde motion, especially when it comes to challenging old excuses, roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined. With Venus, the planet of love returning to Sagittarius tomorrow, the timing couldn’t be better.

While today’s Full Moon is going to put your work/life balance to the test, the timing couldn’t be better. With the Moon not only set to return to your romantic sector tomorrow, where it will catch up with the planets in retrograde motion here but just as Venus, the planet of love returns to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, coming up is a chance to take a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane.

The Sun is still separating from a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your romantic sector as moving through an adventurous part of your chart he is hit with the full force of a Full Moon that could challenge old excuses, roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined. Where the Sun and Jupiter have brought the spirit of romance and adventure together, they have also opened both new and old doors, leaving you with plenty of options.

Knowing that Mercury will stay on when she leaves tomorrow and the Sun will return next week is giving Venus, the planet of love the confidence of knowing that her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together will remain in safe hands. Especially as you still have Mars in your romantic sector and he will continue to work with the Sun and Mercury.