Horoscope for 2024-10-19

As she settles into her first full day in an adventurous part of your chart and of her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, Venus knows what lies ahead and that is what has your heart excited. For now, Venus might be on her own but with Mars just 16 days away from your romantic sector, once they become a team the real magic will happen.

When Venus left your relationship sector yesterday, she left you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships, while today there is not so much a shift in focus but a chance to build on from that. Having the Moon in Taurus is giving you a broader sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you while Mercury is making it more about having the communication lines open.

With no planetary activity in your relationship sector since the early weeks of the year and with the Sun still over a month away from turning the solar spotlight onto your relationships, Venus’ first full day here is giving the planet of love a blank canvas to paint on. Next month will see Mars return to your communication sector and Mercury, the planet of communication to your relationship sector.

Venus, the planet of love may have left your romantic sector yesterday, but both the spirit of romance and adventure are in safe hands. In his first full day on his own here and until the Sun returns next week, Mercury has a chance to make it more about his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. Where Venus left you with a better sense of what you want from love, Mercury’s focus is on the when, where and how.

With no planetary activity in your romantic sector since the early weeks of the year and the Sun still over a month away from his annual visit, as she settles into her first full day here Venus, the planet of love can make it her own. Free from a need for reality checks and starting with a blank canvas, Venus has returned to breathe new life into the spirit of romance and to work her magic.

Where Venus, the planet of love’s departure from your communication sector yesterday has left both your relationships and the communication lines in safe hands, today’s stars have taken a romantic turn. As the Moon makes its first visit to an adventurous part of your chart since Pluto turned direct in your romantic sector, this is already starting to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together and with it a sense that the tide has turned.

While the Moon left your relationship sector yesterday and this brought the Full Moon and its pressure on the Sun in Libra to an end, there might still be some personal and/or relationship tension. The asteroid Juno is still putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test but in her first full day in your communication sector with Venus, the planet of love on hand to give your heart and your relationships a voice.

A day after Venus, the planet of love left Scorpio and ended her mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year, both are in safe hands. While the planets in your romantic sector are keeping the spirit of romance alive, it is the Moon and Mercury, the planet of communication who are working together today to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice.

The Moon may have left your romantic sector just as Venus, the planet of love returned to Sagittarius yesterday, the planets that it energised as it moved through are still here. Venus has returned to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year, but as well as planetary activity on the romantic front from the start, for the first time in over a decade she has returned to find lucky Jupiter in your relationship sector.

With Uranus in retrograde motion in your romantic sector since early last month, the Moon’s monthly visit is going to evoke a lot more romantic nostalgia. Even more so with Venus, the planet of love in her first full day in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart. Venus has returned to take your heart on a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane just as today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are giving you access to the doors already open to the past.

Ahead of the Moon’s return for its monthly visit to your romantic sector tomorrow, there is always a sense of anticipation and a call to make time. While the Moon returns every four weeks, this first visit since Jupiter’s retrograde turn last week will be a chance to experience the doors that this has opened to the past.

Venus, the planet of love may have left an adventurous part of your chart yesterday but with Mercury staying on, the Sun returning next week and Mars still in your romantic sector, her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together is in safe hands. At the same time, as your professional year catches its second wind, the playful, creative and adventurous side of life’s fence is ready to respond.