Horoscope for 2024-11-06
As the Moon wraps up its only visit to an adventurous part of your chart while Venus, the planet of love is here and its first since Mars’ returned to your romantic sector two days ago, this has helped to give the spirit of romance and adventure a serious boost. With Venus leaving next week but Mars in your romantic sector for the rest of the year, this has helped to forge an early bond between the planets of love and passion.
The Moon not only returns for its last visit to an adventurous part of your chart before Pluto leaves but the first before Venus, the planet of love returns next week. When Venus returns to begin her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, she will only have the planet of change and transformation here for the first eight days and then never again in our lifetime. This makes today’s adventurous lunar vibes the perfect warm up.
Two days after Mars returned to your communication sector and three days after Mercury, the planet of communication returned to your relationship sector, the Moon leaves. This has been the Moon’s only visit while Venus is in your relationship sector and while Mercury and Mars are both here for the rest of the year, as well as leaving you more emotionally engaged and aware this has been a chance to link into the planet of love’s influence.
The Moon might return to your relationship sector every four weeks and this is always a chance to become more emotionally engaged and aware but returning for its last visit before Pluto leaves and before Venus returns next week couldn’t be more important. This is a chance to check in but also prepare for when the planets of love and change come together next week.
While Pluto is just two weeks away from his return to your relationship sector and the Moon’s return later in the week will be a chance to become more emotionally engaged and aware, today is all about holding onto the spirit of romance and adventure. As the Moon wraps up its only visit to your romantic sector while Venus is here, the romantically charged lunar vibes of the last few days are leaving you with everything needed to embrace the planet of love’s final six days here.
Heart of the working week or not, when the Moon returns to your romantic sector just as Pluto moves into the last two weeks that he will spend here in our lifetime, there is a need to pay attention. As the last visit before Venus, the planet of love returns next week these romantically charged lunar vibes are a call to start making the spirit of romance a priority.
While a clash between Mars and Pluto at the start of the week is behind you and any work/life balance tension this might have created is behind you as well, the message this left couldn’t be more important. With Pluto just 14 days away from a return to your romantic sector that will keep him here for the next 20 years, having the right work/life balance will need to be the new default.
It is just as Pluto, the planet of change and transformation moves into his final 14 days in your communication sector and ahead of Venus, the planet of love’s return next week, the Moon returns for its monthly visit. After clashing with planets in your relationship sector over the weekend, this is a chance to give anything this may have flushed out a voice and to start preparing for when Venus returns to use Pluto’s final days to get her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice off to an empowered start.
As the Moon’s up its only visit to Sagittarius while Venus is here, it comes as she is not only drawing closer to a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in retrograde motion in your romantic sector tomorrow, but its first since Mars returned to an adventurous part of your chart two days ago. Has been a window into a growing mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure.
It is just Venus moves into her final seven days in a nostalgic part of your chart and of a trip down love’s memory lane that will end with her return to Capricorn next week, the Moon returns for its monthly visit. This will further blur the lines between the past, present and future. As you start to look to the future the Moon is in harmony with Uranus, in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, drawing even more on a sense of romantic nostalgia.
At the same time that both the Moon and Venus, the planet of love are drawing away from a clash with Jupiter in your romantic sector over the last two days, the support on the communication and relationship fronts is growing. Two days after Mars’ return to your relationship sector Venus is heading into a friendly aspect to dwarf planet Eris in your communication sector that will peak tomorrow.
When Mars left your romantic sector two days ago, apart from the Moon’s monthly visits he not only left it empty for the rest of the year, but this saw the year take a busier turn. With the rest of the year set to remain just as busy or even become even busier than it is now and no planets working to keep the spirit of romance alive, that job now falls to you.