Horoscope for 2024-11-10
At the same time that Mars is spending his first weekend in your romantic sector Venus, the planet of love has reached her last weekend in an adventurous part of your chart. While they didn’t get a chance to connect directly, Venus has brought together a mix of romance, passion and adventure that will continue to build for the rest of the year.
While support for friendship and relationship building has been growing all week and will continue to grow, something special will happen when the Moon not only returns to your friendship sector today but into a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your relationship sector. It was only seven days ago that Juno, the queen of commitment returned for her first visit to your relationship sector in four years.
At the same time that Venus, the planet of love has reached her last weekend in your relationship sector, Mars is settling into his first weekend in your communication sector. Already slowing ahead of a retrograde turn that will keep him here for the rest of the year, Mars’ war on communication barriers is being supported by Mercury, the planet of communication who in your relationship sector is also slowing ahead of a retrograde turn that will keep him here for the rest of the year.
Just in time for the weekend, the Moon not only returns to an adventurous part of your chart but into harmony with the Sun and the asteroid Juno in your romantic sector. This is the Moon’s only visit while the Sun is here, bringing together the spirit of romance and adventure and with it a renewed sense of confidence and resolve.
Mars is only in his first weekend in Leo and already this has had implications on the romantic and relationship fronts. As the Moon leaves your relationship sector this ends a clash with Mars that has put a balance between your own and your relationship needs on alert while at the same time making it easier to get the most out of Venus, the planet of love’s last weekend in your romantic sector.
It is just as Saturn has reached his last weekend in retrograde motion in your relationship sector that the Moon not only returns but will move straight into a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, a week after her return to your communication sector. It has been four years since the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships was last here, but as the Moon returns there is a chance to take advantage of this.
When the Moon returned to your romantic sector two days ago it had been empty for over two months and when it leaves today it will remain empty, though not for long. It will be another 20 years before the Moon moves through on its own and with a major new romantic chapter ahead, with a chance to first capture and fully embrace these romantically charged lunar vibes.
Just in time for not just the weekend but Saturn’s last weekend in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, the Moon returns for its monthly visit. With Saturn at a standstill and with dreamy Neptune also in retrograde motion here, this will amplify a growing sense of romantic nostalgia as well as giving you better access to the doors still open to the past and second chances.
As Venus, the planet of love reaches her last weekend in Sagittarius and as her mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year draws to a close, there is a chance to reflect on the journey this week has taken you on. A clash with Jupiter in your relationship sector at the start of the week and a friendly aspect to both planets in your romantic sector during the week has left your heart with everything it needs to know.
As she spends her last weekend in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart Venus, the planet of love is amplifying a mix of both romantic nostalgia and anticipation. With Uranus in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, as Venus takes your heart on a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane this is giving you better access to the doors open to the past and second chances. Yet with Venus just two days away from her return to Capricorn, there is also a growing sense of anticipation.
It is just as Mars is spending his first weekend in your relationship sector that the Moon is wrapping up its monthly visit to Aquarius. This is something that when the Moon returned four days ago saw them clash, stress testing a balance between your own and your relationship needs. As well as leaving you with an authentic starting point it comes just as Venus, the planet of love has spent the week at a friendly aspect to both planets in your communication sector and with Mercury, the planet of communication here to lend a hand as well.
A week after the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment returned for her first visit to your romantic sector in four years, the Moon returns to Pisces and straight into a friendly aspect. With the Sun about to move into his last full week in your romantic sector but life already starting to take a busier turn, as well as giving the spirit of romance a boost this is tapping into Juno’s resolve to make the spirit of romance a priority.