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Horoscope for 2024-12-04

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The countdown is on to Mars’ first retrograde turn in your romantic sector in 15 years. For the first time since 2009, for the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos, this won’t be a drive by and this is set to have major implications for the rest of this year and into 2025. For now, three days away from a retrograde turn that will keep Mars here for the rest of the year and open the doors to the past, Mars has come to a standstill.
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In the heart of the working week and on the heels of the Moon’s own monthly work/life balance reminder, Mercury is bringing his own reminder but with a smart take on things. With things set to take an even busier turn from tomorrow, today’s adventurous lunar vibes can make it easier to find the balance between work and play that matters of the heart and your relationships will benefit from.
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The Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday not only brought the weekend’s New Moon to an end while leaving you emotionally engaged and aware, but it also ended its monthly opposition with Jupiter in your relationship sector. Today Mercury steps into the Moon’s shoes and while there might still be some tension, without the Moon’s emotional fog of war and with the planet of communication able to use this to get the communication lines open.
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While it won’t be until just before the Moon leaves your relationship sector tomorrow that it will align with Venus, the planet of love and the dwarf planet Ceres, in their critical final days this is keeping you emotionally engaged and aware. In the final three days of a deep dive into your relationship wants, needs and priorities this is putting heart and gut on the same page.
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Whether it is ahead of the Moon’s return to your relationship sector tomorrow or on the heels of a New Moon in your romantic sector that just ran its course yesterday, in the heart of the working week knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off couldn’t be more important. While the busiest weeks of the year are still in front of you, so too are the best for both matters of the heart and your relationships.
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In a case of perfect timing, the Moon is in your romantic sector when in the heart of the working week a clash between Mercury and Jupiter is putting your work/life balance to the test. The two aren’t connected but with Venus, the planet of love just three days away from leaving your romantic sector, today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are the incentive to make a work/life balance reminder an opportunity rather than a challenge.
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Ahead of the Moon’s return to your romantic sector tomorrow and Venus, the planet of love’s return two days later, Pluto’s last full day on his own before some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year kick off is a chance to look to the big picture. With the planet of change and transformation here for the next 20 years, this includes looking at the changes that could make your life more love friendly.
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While the Moon won’t align with Venus until just before it leaves your communication sector tomorrow already, with the planet of love just three days away from leaving herself, this is making her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice a lot easier. Still separating from a friendly aspect to Uranus in your relationship sector that peaked yesterday, there has never been a better time to get the communication lines open.
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As Pluto, the planet of change and transformation is spending his last full day on his own in your communication sector before the Moon returns tomorrow and Venus, the planet of love two days later, there could be some personal and/or relationship tension. While this is coming from Mercury, the planet of communication’s clash with Jupiter in your relationship sector, this is a more a timely push to get the ball rolling.
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Having the Moon in Capricorn as Venus, the planet of love not only moves into her final three days here but is separating from a friendly aspect to Uranus in your romantic sector that peaked yesterday is not only giving the spirit of romance an additional boost. With 2025 set to be an important year on both the romantic and relationship fronts, this is a chance to put heart and gut on the same page.
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While Jupiter, in retrograde motion in your romantic sector might be under pressure with Venus, the planet of love just three days away from her return to Aquarius and with other support for matters of the heart building, this is a chance to challenge old excuses, roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined. It is when the planets of love and luck get together that the real magic will happen.
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Knowing that Mars is returning to your romantic sector in the New Year and there will also be developments on the relationship front next month, is giving you time for some future planning and especially when it comes to your work/life balance. Knowing that 2025 is set to be a big year on the romantic and relationship fronts, gives you time to start preparing now without any pressure or urgency.