Horoscope for 2024-12-06
At the same time that ahead of his retrograde turn in your romantic sector tomorrow Mars has come to a standstill, the Sun and Mercury align in an adventurous part of your chart. While the two aren’t directly connected, with all three in harmony and with Mercury already in retrograde motion, as Mars prepares to open the doors to the past and second chances there is already a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in the air.
Juno might be on her own in your relationship sector, but the queen of commitment is holding down the fort and over the weekend will get some additional support from the Moon. Until then, as she reaches her last full day in an adventurous part of your chart Venus, the planet of love is working until the last moment to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.
The Moon is not only in an adventurous part of your chart ahead of Venus’ return tomorrow but will still be here when the planet of love returns to begin her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together. This is something that after their friendly aspect to the South Node in your romantic sector yesterday today’s adventurous lunar vibes are already giving you a jump on.
Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday, this has left you emotionally engaged and aware moving into Venus and the dwarf planet Ceres’ final hours here. With both leaving tomorrow but due to align before they leave, this has put heart, emotion and intuition on the same page, as your relationship wants, needs and priorities align to create a clear path forward.
Having the Moon in your relationship sector ahead of Venus, the planet of love and the dwarf planet Ceres’ return tomorrow is doing more than just ensuring you are emotionally engaged and aware from the start. A clash with Mars, in his last full day in direct motion in Leo might push some buttons, but this is flushing out what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow, life has taken a busier turn. However, the romantically charged lunar vibes of the last few days have left you with everything needed to embrace Venus, the planet of love’s last full day here. Even a bit of pushback when it comes to knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off can work to your advantage.
The Moon is not only in your romantic sector ahead of Venus, the planet of love’s return tomorrow but it will still be here as she returns to begin what she will be working to make a romantically charged end to the year. With the dwarf planet Ceres returning tomorrow to begin her first deep dive into your heart’s needs and priorities in four years, the romantic tide is turning.
The Moon’s departure from your communication sector yesterday was always going to leave you better able to give your emotional responses a voice and in Venus, the planet of love’s last full day here this couldn’t be more important. This is making the final hours of Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice some of the best while leaving you with no excuses.
The Moon is not only in your communication sector ahead of Venus, the planet of love and the dwarf planet Ceres’ return tomorrow, but a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your relationship sector is already helping to give any issues flushed out over recent days a voice. With the Moon still here when Venus returns, this will get her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice off to a powerful start.
At the same time that Venus, the planet of love is spending her last full day in Capricorn she is both moving into an alignment with the dwarf planet Ceres here that will peak just before they both leave tomorrow and separating from a friendly aspect to Uranus in your romantic sector. Both are contributing to the confidence to raise the bar on your heart’s wants, needs and priorities moving forward.
At the same time that Venus, the planet of love has reached her last full day in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart and of your heart’s nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane, the Moon is already in Aquarius ahead of her return tomorrow. It was the Moon’s departure from a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart yesterday that has contributed to a rise in both romantic nostalgia and anticipation.
Even though Mars won’t return to your romantic sector until the New Year, his retrograde turn tomorrow will see the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos turn around and start heading back. With Venus, the planet of love returning to a nostalgic part of your chart tomorrow to take your heart on a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane that will end with her return to Pisces in the New Year as well, expect a sense of romantic nostalgia and anticipation to start building.