Horoscope for 2024-12-25
The final hours of the Moon’s last visit to your relationship sector for the year are going to come with the same strong emotional responses but at anything but an ordinary time of year. While this can push buttons, it is also a chance to become more emotionally engaged and connected. Fortunately, for the first time in 12 years, you are going into Christmas with Jupiter, the most powerful planet in the solar system in your communication sector.
The Moon’s return to your relationship sector today means that this is where it will be spending Christmas and this could make all the difference. While this can fuel strong emotional responses it is also a chance to become more emotionally engaged and aware. The difference with this last visit for the year is that you are going into this with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment here.
While the Moon might leave your romantic sector today, it leaves behind more than enough support to not only keep the spirit of romance alive but thanks to a friendly aspect to Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck yesterday, with a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia. Meanwhile, as he moves into his final two weeks in your relationship sector Mercury, the planet of communication is staying on for Christmas and the holiday period.
While the Sun will always spend Christmas in your relationship sector, the Moon’s return to your romantic sector means that it will be spending Christmas here as well. At what has been a busy point in an especially busy year, today’s romantically charged lunar vibes in conjunction with the Sun’s focus on your relationships is asking that you put all that aside.
With Venus, the planet of love spending Christmas and the holiday period in your relationship sector and Mercury spending it in your romantic sector, both will benefit from the final hours of the Moon’s last visit to your communication sector for the year. Where Venus will be using this to keep the communication lines open on the relationship front, this will help Mercury in his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page.
What a difference a few days can make. It was just two days ago that the Moon was spending its final hours in Virgo clashed with the planets in your relationship sector. While this may have pushed some buttons, this gave you a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you while the Moon’s return to your communication sector today is a chance to get the communication lines open.
While the Moon will spend the final hours of its last visit to Libra for the year clashed with the dwarf planet Eris in your relationship sector, the timing couldn’t be better. As well as a chance to go into Christmas and the holiday period aware of a balance between your own and your relationship needs it comes just as Mercury, the planet of communication moves into his final two weeks in your communication sector.
While it is a given that since Neptune’s return to your romantic sector in 2012 and since Uranus returned to your relationship sector in 2019, they will both spend Christmas and the holiday period here, this won’t always be the case. Both will start transitioning out next year, with a need to make matters of the heart and your relationships a priority while the stars are still leaning that way.
For the first time in 12 years, you are moving into the Christmas and the holiday period with Jupiter in your relationship sector but also with Mercury, the planet of communication in Sagittarius. While they are just two days away from clashing and this puts a balance between your own and your relationship needs in the spotlight, with the planets of luck and communication involved, this can only enhance your relationships.
While Mars is just 12 days away from retrograding back into your relationship sector for a rare deep dive, it won’t be until after the holiday period and with Mercury, the planet of communication just days away from Capricorn by then. Meanwhile, moving into Christmas and the holiday period with Uranus in retrograde motion in your romantic sector already has the doors open to the past and second chances on the romantic front.
It is one thing to go into Christmas and the holiday period with Venus, the planet of love in Aquarius, but another to also have lucky Jupiter in your romantic sector at the same time. The last time you experienced this was in 2000 and in the final hours of the Moon’s last visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year, it is separating from a friendly aspect to both that has brought them even closer.
When the Moon left your romantic sector last week and your relationship sector two days ago, in both cases it left them empty but also with a sense of anticipation or that there is change in the air. With Mars just 12 days away from retrograding back into your romantic sector for a rare double dip visit and the South Node returning for its first visit to your relationship sector in 17 years just a few days later, you need to be working on your wish list for 2025.