Horoscope for 2024-12-30
As Mars moves into his final seven days in your romantic sector in retrograde motion, instead of looking to the future he is looking to the past. Knowing that once back in direct motion he will return in April for a do over the future is in safe hands, Mars is putting all his focus into getting the most out of the doors still open to the past and second chances.
Two days after the Moon left and wrapped up its last visit to your relationship sector for the year, this has not only left you more emotionally engaged and aware but with time for any strong emotional responses to have dialled back and the message behind them to crystalise. Meanwhile, your over the horizon radar will be starting to pick up on some exciting developments on the romantic and relationship fronts in the early weeks of 2025.
Just as Mars moves into his final seven days in your communication sector and when in retrograde motion, he is working to give the past and unsaid words a voice, the Moon is wrapping up its last visit to your relationship sector for the year. As this is also the Moon’s last visit while Mercury, the planet of communication is in your relationship sector, it is all about having the communication lines open.
By the time the Sun returned to your relationship sector just over a week ago, it had been two weeks since a rush of planets left. With the Sun on his own, this has been a chance to simply observe, while the Moon’s return today and the lead up to tomorrow’s New Moon brings you to a point when it is time to draw a new line in the sand.
The Moon is spending the final hours of its last visit to your romantic sector for the year at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos who is now in her final two weeks in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart. On a day when the communication and relationship gods are working in harmony, this is creating a potent mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure.
The Moon not only returns to begin its last visit to your romantic sector for the year today but begins the lead up to a New Moon that will bring with it a chance for new beginnings. With the Moon set to end 2024 and begin 2025 alongside the Sun in your romantic sector, this will see romantically charged solar and lunar vibes become more tightly aligned.
It is just as Chiron, the planet of healing is turning direct in your relationship sector that the Moon is spending the final hours of its last visit to your communication sector for the year at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Eris there. Eris will remain in retrograde motion for another 12 days, allowing you to start distancing yourself from the past while still being able to give the past and unsaid words a voice.
Just days after clashing with the planets in your relationship sector as it made its last visit to Scorpio for the year, the Moon’s return to your communication sector today will put them back in harmony while making it easier to give anything this may have flushed out a voice. While this same pattern is repeated every four weeks, with the Moon returning as a New Moon, this will be a chance to draw a new line in the sand.
While the stars are making this a good day for matters of the heart and all things romantic, there is an overlapping of the past, present and future. While Chiron, the planet of healing’s direct turn in your romantic sector today brings a chance to move on and especially from old ghosts the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos is still holding the doors open to the past and second chances.
With Mars just seven days away from retrograding back into your relationship sector, the Moon’s return to Capricorn is a chance to squeeze in one last visit before your own and your relationship needs start competing for your attention. As well as a chance for a personal check in, it is heading into the New Year that the Moon will connect with the planets in your romantic sector.
It is just as Mars moves into his final seven days in your communication sector that the communication lines are not only getting a serious boost but one that covers all circumstances. Chiron, the planet of healing’s direct turn in your communication sector today is a chance to let go of the past while with the dwarf planet Eris not only still in retrograde motion here but Mars in retrograde motion as well, while still able to give the past and unsaid words a voice.
With Mars just seven days away from retrograding back in for a rare double dip visit to your romantic sector and the South Node less than two weeks away from its first visit to your relationship sector in 17 years, moving into the New Year with the right work/life balance couldn’t be more important. While the Moon delivered its last work/life balance reminder for the year yesterday, it was in time to put some guardrails in place.