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Horoscope for 2024-12-31

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With Mars just six days away from leaving your romantic sector and the South Node leaving your relationship sector at the end of next week, in both cases leaving them empty, on both fronts these final days have become a lot more important. Because you will move into the New Year with romantic and relationship matters well supported, this will give things the kind of start you can maintain.
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Moving into the New Year with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your relationship sector and especially as she will spend a large part of 2025 here, is giving you the confidence to raise the bar on your resolutions for the coming year. Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector over the weekend, you have a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
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Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday, there is not only a chance to end the year emotionally engaged and aware but to get the most out of Mercury, the planet of communication’s last full week. Mercury’s departure next week will end all planetary activity on the relationship front until later next year while his and the Moon’s recent clash with Jupiter in Gemini has left you more aware of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
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As the Sun and Moon align to create today’s New Moon in your relationship sector, there is a chance to draw a new line in the sand, ready to see moving into the New Year as an opportunity for new beginnings. A lot of water has already passed under the bridge, to a point where you know what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. The past is the past and now it is time for a fresh start.
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Even though the Moon left your romantic sector yesterday, there is still a strong mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure in the air and that will continue to be the case for the rest of the week. At the same time, it is during Venus, the planet of love’s final days in your relationship sector that there is still active cooperation between the communication and relationship gods.
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The timing of the Moon’s return to your romantic sector means that this is where it will end 2024 and begin 2025, but aligned with the Sun to create today’s New Moon is adding to the potency of these romantically charged solar and lunar vibes. A New Moon brings a chance for a fresh start and with the New Year just around the corner but a lot of water has already passed under the bridge this year, to also draw a new line in the sand.
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Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your communication sector yesterday, as a friendly aspect between Mercury, the planet of communication here and Chiron, the planet of healing in your relationship sector peaks, you are better able to take advantage of this. This is the third time in just six weeks that the planets of healing and communication have come together, but for the first time while both are in direct motion and focused on moving things forward.
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Having the Moon end the year in your communication sector is always going to be an advantage and especially as the Sun will always end and begin each year here. It is their alignment today that is creating the last New Moon of 2024 and just days after clashing with planets in your relationship sector, this will provide the extra push that can get the communication lines open.
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For the third time in just six weeks, a friendly aspect between Mercury in Sagittarius and Chiron in your romantic sector peaks. However, for the first time while the planets of communication and healing are both in direct motion and as Chiron only turned direct yesterday, this is a chance to start looking to the future with confidence.
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As you approach the New Year, there will be a growing sense of anticipation on both the romantic and relationship fronts. Venus, the planet of love’s return to your communication sector in three days means that she will be there when Mars retrogrades back into your relationship sector early next week. Meanwhile, with Uranus slowing as he moves into his final month in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, expect a sense of romantic nostalgia to deepen.
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As she moves into her final three days in Aquarius, Venus is giving you a whole new appreciation of your romantic and relationship desires, hopes and dreams for the coming year than when she returned earlier in the month. Since then, she has danced with lucky Jupiter in your romantic sector and clashed with Mars in your relationship sector, both of whom will have a major impact in 2025.
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While Venus is just three days away from leaving a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart and returning to Pisces, a sense of nostalgia is going to deepen when the Moon returns tomorrow. Venus is taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane that will end with her return to Pisces but is also paving the way for Mars, who is just six days away from retrograding back into your romantic sector.