Horoscope for 2025-01-02
As Mars moves into his final days in your romantic sector he is starting to face pushback, either from life itself or just other cosmic demands competing for your attention. However, Mars is the warrior planet of the cosmos and he is not known as the planet of war for nothing. There is nothing that Mars likes more than something to fight for and that means fighting to make both the spirit of romance and the doors open to the past and second chances a priority.
With 2025 set to be a busy year and with signs of that already starting to creep in, having the right work/life balance couldn’t be more important. This is what Mars is fighting for and knowing that the coming weeks will see the support for romantic and relationship matters increase, the fight is on to put the right guardrails in place from the start.
Having the Moon not only in an adventurous part of your chart but at a friendly aspect to the South Node in your romantic sector is making it easier to get the most out of the last full day of Venus, the planet of love’s mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together. With Venus leaving an adventurous part of your chart tomorrow and the South Node leaving your romantic sector at the end of next week, this is something that needs to be embraced.
While the Moon left your relationship sector yesterday, moving into the New Year with the tailwind from the last New Moon of 2024 has brought an opportunity for a fresh start. No matter the journey last year or even the last 16 years have taken you on, with Pluto gone, not coming back and the Sun always looking to the future, this has been a powerful chance to draw a new line in the sand.
Having the Moon in your relationship sector during Venus, planet of love’s last full day here is a chance to ensure you are emotionally engaged and aware. This is also creating a link to the South Node in your communication sector, at a time when a clash between Mars and Pluto is also putting a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test.
In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and Venus, the planet of love’s return to your relationship sector tomorrow, there is a chance to keep the focus on the spirit of romance. With Venus returning to your relationship sector tomorrow and the Moon a day later, there will be plenty of time then to focus on your relationships. Until then, there is the influence of a romantically charged New Moon to capture.
While a friendly aspect between Mercury, the planet of communication in your communication sector and Chiron, the planet of healing in your relationship sector ended yesterday, they will continue to work as a team until they part ways next week. With Mercury’s departure set to end all planetary activity on the communication front until later in the year, it is all about having the communication lines open.
Ahead of Venus, the planet of love’s return to your romantic sector tomorrow and the Moon’s return for its first visit of 2025 a day later, today’s work/life balance reminders couldn’t come with better timing. At the same time that the Moon is bringing its ordinary and fleeting monthly reminder, it comes just when there are forces working to get the year off to a busy start.
The Moon is not only in your communication sector during Venus’ last full day but its first visit for the year puts it as a friendly aspect to your relationship sector. While the Moon and Jupiter connect every four weeks and this will always make it easier to give your emotional responses, relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice, it comes in the final hours of Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice.
With Venus, planet of love not only returning to your communication sector tomorrow and the Moon a day later, but in time to be in position for when Mars returns to your relationship sector in four days, this is something you can already get a jump on. Venus will be returning to give your heart and your relationships a voice just as Mars is preparing to open the doors to the past and second chances on the relationship front.
Having the Moon in Aquarius during Venus, the planet of love’s last full day here is doing more than just ensuring you are emotionally engaged and aware. In the final hours of Venus’ mission to update your romantic and relationship desires, hopes and dreams for the coming year, the Moon is connecting with the planets on the romantic and relationship fronts in a way that is making everything more transparent.
While it is a clash between Mars and Pluto that might create some tension or pressure today, a hard fought battle between the planets of war and revolution when it comes to knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off couldn’t come with better timing. With Mars just four days away from retrograding back in for a rare double dip visit to your romantic sector, this is a call to start putting some guardrails in place.