Horoscope for 2025-01-13

In the space of just seven days, a year that began with a strong cosmic presence on both the romantic and relationship fronts, that has all changed. Seven days after Mars left your romantic sector empty and a day after the South Node’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday did the same there is a chance to pause. From tomorrow the Moon will begin its first visit to both for the year.

As the Moon makes its first visit to your communication sector for the year and since Mars returned seven days ago to resume his war on communication barriers, it forms a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your relationship sector today. In the lead up to tomorrow’s Full Moon and the breakthroughs possible, this is a chance for your relationships to benefit.

When the South Node left your romantic sector yesterday this left it empty, but not before spending the last 18 months giving the spirit of romance a chance to become embedded. It won’t take much to keep the spirit of romance alive and especially as it has become ingrained in the spirit of adventure, which continues to be supported.

A week after Mars retrograded back into Cancer and just as the Sun moves into his final seven days in your relationship sector, they are headed towards a showdown. Along with the build up already underway to tomorrow’s Full Moon, this is going to put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test though fortunately, just as the South Node is spending its first full day in your communication sector and Mercury, the planet of communication is now in your relationship sector.

Ten days after Venus, the planet of love left your relationship sector and with the Sun still seven days ago, there has been a chance to stand back as you process one chapter before the next begins. Venus has left you with a better understanding of your relationship wants, needs and priorities while the Sun will bring more reality checks. This gives you time first to let Venus’ influence settle.

At the same time that the Sun moves into his final seven days in your romantic sector at a friendly aspect to Uranus in an adventurous part of your chart, the lunar nodes are settling into the first full day of their new 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs. While the South Node will spend the next 18 months in your relationship sector, with only a few more weeks of planetary activity on the romantic front today’s mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia needs to be embraced.

When the North Node left your relationship sector and the South Node left Libra yesterday, this ended their 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs. While this has left you with no planetary activity in Libra, the presence on the relationship front is only set to continue, making it important to hold onto what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

Seven days after Mars retrograded back into an adventurous part of your chart his friendly aspect to Neptune in your romantic sector not only peaks today but in the build up to a Full Moon that can amplify a mix of romance, passion and adventure. This is a repeat of when the planets of passion and dreams came together before Mars originally left in early November, with a chance to reunite.

Yesterday saw the Moon leave and wrap up its first visit to your romantic sector for the year and after 18 months, the North Node leave your romantic sector. In both cases, this has left behind planets that will continue to support matters of the heart and your relationships but in the process leaving you with a better understanding of both.

The Moon is not only already in your relationship sector ahead of tomorrow’s Full Moon and its clash with the Sun that will put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test, but this is already being felt. It is the Moon’s clash with Mercury that might push some buttons, but Mercury is not only the planet of communication but the Sun’s friendly aspect to planets in your communication sector makes this a chance to get the communication lines open.

In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow, there is a need to not only hold onto the spirit of romance but make the most of conditions that for the first time this year are putting how well you know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off to the test.

At the same time that the South Node is settling into its first full day in your relationship sector, the Moon has joined Mars in your romantic sector to begin the lead up to tomorrow’s Full Moon. At a time when after the holiday period life is once again starting to get busy, moving into some important times on the romantic and relationship fronts makes having the right work/life balance more important than ever.