Horoscope for 2025-01-14

As the Moon not only returns for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year but the first since Mars left last week, there is a chance to turn your attention back to matters of the heart. Where your relationships have had your attention since then, with the South Node having left your relationship sector over the weekend and with the Moon not returning for its first visit for the year until later in the week, it is time for the spirit of romance to have its turn.

At the same time that the South Node is settling into its early days in your romantic sector and is still a few days away from a friendly aspect to the Sun in an adventurous part of your chart, a Full Moon in your communication sector and back up from Mars is creating the potential for a communication breakthrough. After the Moon’s friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your relationship sector yesterday, this is something your relationships are already benefiting from.

While the South Node left it empty when it left your romantic sector over the weekend, the Moon will continue to make its monthly visits and after 18 months, that will be more than enough to keep the spirit of romance alive. With the Moon returning for its first visit for the year later in the week, its focus today is more on keeping the communication lines open after Mars left your communication sector and Mercury, the planet of communication left your relationship sector last week.

It is not just the Moon that is pushing back against the Sun in your relationship sector to create today’s Full Moon but Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos of the cosmos as well. This is a Full Moon that at around this time each year can put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test but this time, with Mercury, the planet of communication in your relationship sector and the South Node in its early days in your communication sector.

As the Moon returns for its first visit to Leo for the year, this will be both a chance for a personal check in and to gauge the shifts that have taken place since it was here four weeks ago. For the first time in three months, it will be to find no planets in your romantic sector for it to form a friendly aspect to and while the Moon will clash with Pluto in your relationship sector as it moves through, in what is becoming a familiar and fleeting check when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs.

As the lunar nodes settle into the early days of their new 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs, they are both getting off to a positive start. Two days after the North Node’s return to your relationship sector today’s Full Moon is making this a powerful day for friendship and relationship building while in the South Node’s early days in Virgo, this is growing support from the Sun in your romantic sector.

As much as today’s Full Moon is putting your work/life balance to the test and Mars is pushing home the point, the timing couldn’t be better. With the Sun joining Pluto in your romantic sector next week and things settling down on the relationship front after the lunar nodes ended their 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs, the right work/life balance gives you time to make both a priority.

Two days after the North Node’s return to your romantic sector and just after peaking as a Full Moon, the Moon is spending the final hours of its first visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year and since Mars returned last week at a friendly aspect. Mars is still at a friendly aspect to Neptune in your romantic sector, with the Moon adding even more fuel to a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure.

As the Moon returns for its first visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year, it won’t just be to find that Mars left last week but instead of moving straight into a friendly aspect to the North Node in your romantic sector, it too has gone. However, having just left two days ago and after the dwarf planet Eris turned direct in your romantic sector over the weekend, the North Node may have left but the spirit of romance and adventure is still in safe hands.

It is right in the heart of today’s Full Moon in your relationship sector that Mars is not only adding the passion and drive to fight for what you want from your relationships into the mix, but he is still at a friendly aspect to Neptune in your communication sector. Three days after the North Node returned to your communication sector and with Venus, the planet of love also there, the communication and relationship gods are lined up to turn this into an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Less than 12 hours after peaking as a Full Moon that is putting how well you know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off to the test, the Moon returns for its first visit to your relationship sector for the year. Having wrapped up its first visit to your romantic sector for the year over the weekend and with a chance now to check in on your relationships for the first time since Mars left last week, this has brought the right reminder at the right time.

While having Mars in your romantic sector during today’s Full Moon here is adding a lot more passion to the mix and is going to hold onto what this might trigger in a way that isn’t usually possible, it helps that you also have Venus in Pisces. While this is a Full Moon that will fall in either the later days or early weeks of each year, rarely with the planets of love and passion involved. Instead of a few romantically charged days, this is kickstarting what will be some romantically charged months.