Horoscope for 2025-01-17

As the Moon leaves your romantic sector and the day starts to take a busier turn, the key to holding onto the spirit of romance is heeding the work/life balance reminders this week has continued to bring. With Mars gone from your romantic sector, once the Moon leaves keeping the spirit of romance alive now falls to you.

Today will not only see the Moon return for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year but since the South Node returned to spend the next 18 months here over the weekend. As well as kicking off a romantically charged few days, this will be a chance to get a feel for the force that is going to act as defender of the spirit of romance.

Last week and within the space of just 48 hours first Mars left your communication sector and then Mercury, the planet of communication left your relationship sector. As the Moon wraps up its first visit to your communication sector for the year this once again leaves you without communication support, but with Mercury and Mars having spent over two months showing you how it’s done.

It is just as an opposition between Mars in Cancer and the Sun in your relationship sector that peaked yesterday is starting to wane, that the Moon not only returns for its first visit to your communication sector for the year but since the South Node returned over the weekend. Along with Mercury, the planet of communication in your communication sector, a groundswell of support from the communication gods is going to give anything flushed out a voice.

As the Moon leaves Leo, as well as leaving you more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware, its clash with Pluto and the dwarf planet Ceres in your relationship sector over the last few days has left you more aware of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. This is giving you a head start ahead of the Sun’s return to your relationship sector in three days.

Just days after clashing as a Full Moon, the Moon’s return to Virgo today will not only put it in harmony with the Sun in your romantic sector but also with Uranus, who has been facing his own headwind in an adventurous part of your chart. This is the Moon’s only visit while the Sun is in your romantic sector and the last before Uranus turns direct, with a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia set to grow over the coming days, along with a new sense of hope.

The Moon’s monthly visits to your friendship sector will always see it form a friendly aspect to both planets in your relationship sector as it passes through and that has been the case for decades. Yet as the Moon leaves and this first encounter for the year ends, it will be to reveal that a lot has changed, including a lot less relationship tension or fixation on the past.

As an opposition between Uranus, in retrograde motion in your relationship sector and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships in Scorpio peaks, this is a chance to get to the heart of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. With support from the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication in your communication sector, this is an opportunity for a breakthrough.

As the Moon wraps up its first visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year this has not only given the spirit of romance and adventure a boost, but this is likely to leave a sense of hope in its wake, making it easier to look to the future with confidence. A friendly aspect to both planets in your romantic sector came just as their focus has shifted off the past and since old roadblocks cleared.

It is just as planets on both the romantic and relationship fronts are facing a headwind and after the holiday period life is once again resuming its busy pace, the Moon’s return to an adventurous part of your chart could be the solution. Over the next few days, the Moon will form a friendly aspect to Uranus, for the last time while in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, with a rise in a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia over the coming days.

Seven days after it returned for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year, the Moon wraps up its first visit to your relationship sector for the year. While the Moon will continue to return to both every four weeks and always just a few days apart, these first visits have been a chance to establish a new starting point.

It is just as Uranus, who is still facing a mix of pushback and support moves into his final two weeks in retrograde motion in your communication sector, that the Moon returns for its first visit to your relationship sector for the year. As well as a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged and aware, this is a chance to take advantage of the support that is there when it comes to giving the past and unsaid words a voice.