Horoscope for 2025-01-20

The Moon’s first visit to your relationship sector for the year is also the first since the South Node left, with the lunar nodes having just ended their 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs. While a friendly aspect to Jupiter, for the last time while in retrograde motion in your communication sector will make it easier to give the past and unsaid words a voice, this is also a chance for a fresh start.

When the Moon left your romantic sector yesterday, it not only wrapped up its first visit for the year but the first since the South Node returned to become an advocate for the spirit of romance for the next 18 months. Support from the Sun and Mercury as it moved through, has seen these romantically charged lunar vibes leave behind a new sense of confidence in their wake.

With the Moon making its first visit to your romantic sector for the year and a few days later its first to your relationship sector, it is important over the coming days to make time for both. However, today is all about the spirit of romance and as the Sun returns to an adventurous part of your chart, this is going to add to the spirit of romance and adventure that has been coming together since the Moon returned yesterday.

While the last seven days may have been a roller coaster ride, as the Sun leaves your relationship sector today it will be with a new appreciation of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. Until leaving the Sun will remain closely linked to the South Node in your communication sector while Mercury, the planet of communication will stay on in your relationship sector to keep the communication lines open.

Having the Moon in your communication sector as the Sun returns to your relationship sector today is getting things off to a dream start. Since the Moon returned yesterday it has already formed a friendly aspect to Pluto in your relationship sector, with the communication and relationship gods already working together as the Sun turns the solar spotlight onto your relationships.

As the Sun leaves your romantic sector, this not only takes the solar spotlight off matters of the heart but marks the beginning of the end of all planetary activity on the romantic front until later in the year. However, with near continuous planetary activity here for the last 16 years, it is time for the trainer wheels to come off. Mercury will stay on for another eight days to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page.

While the Sun’s return to your romantic sector today is the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto matters of the heart, this year it is to find that things are already well established. With 2025 the first full year of Pluto, the planet of change and transformation’s 20 year visit and Venus, the planet of love having already moved through, this is a big year for matters of the heart and all things romantic.

Seven days after his friendly aspect to Uranus in your relationship sector peaked, the Sun leaves your communication sector today. Mercury, the planet of communication will stay on for another eight days, but with his departure ending all planetary activity on the communication front until later in the year, making the most of these final days has become more urgent.

While this is the point in each year when the Sun will always return to your communication sector, for the first time in 12 years it is to find Jupiter in your relationship sector. While Jupiter has been here since last May and there is already an abundance of communication support, the Sun will put a spotlight on this, making it even easier to get and keep the communication lines open.

While today life has taken a busier turn, as before leaving an adventurous part of your chart yesterday the Moon formed a friendly aspect to Uranus, now in his final days in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, this left behind something you can hold onto. The Moon has made its first visit to your romantic and relationship sectors for the year and now it has left a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in its wake.

As the Moon makes its first visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year, it forms a friendly aspect to Jupiter, for the last time while in retrograde motion in your romantic sector. While this has been a monthly event since Jupiter returned last month and 2025 is set to be a lucky year for love, today there is a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in the air that is helping you to first hold onto the past.

The last seven days have seen the Moon make its first visit to your romantic and relationship sectors for the year and in each case, as well as leaving you more emotionally engaged and aware, this has left you with a read on the special forces at play on both fronts. With Mars back in your romantic sector and the Moon having aligned with the South Node before leaving your relationship sector yesterday, this leaves you with a sense that this will be a special year for both.