Horoscope for 2025-01-26

Just as she is drawing closer to her return to Aries early next month Venus, the planet of love forms a friendly aspect to Mars, who has recently retrograded back out of your romantic sector. With Mars moving away from your romantic sector and Venus moving towards her return to Aries, as the planets of love and passion cross paths this will amplify an already growing mix of romantic nostalgia and anticipation.

Just days before she is due to move into a friendly aspect to Juno, the queen of commitment in your relationship sector, Venus moves into a friendly aspect to Mars in your communication sector. With Juno and Mars having begun the week at the same aspect and the Moon having harnessed that support between the communication and relationship gods during its recent visit to your relationship sector, as the planet of love Venus, is going to enhance this even more.

It is while the Moon is making its first visit to your relationship sector for the year and since Mercury, the planet of communication left, that it forms a friendly aspect to both planets in your friendship sector today. As well as making this a good day for friendship and relationship building and for feeling more emotionally engaged and connected, you will find the communication lines a lot more open.

Two days after the Moon left and wrapped up its first visit to your romantic sector for the year, instead of waning the spirit of romance is continuing to rise. This is being helped by a friendly aspect between Mars and Venus, the planets of love and passion today. Meanwhile, in his final two days in your relationship sector, as the planet of communication Mercury is working overtime to get the communication lines open.

Having the Moon in your romantic sector over the weekend will always be an advantage and especially when it forms a friendly aspect to both planets in an adventurous part of your chart today. While the Moon is just passing through, today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together in a way that is both a nod to the past and a taste of things to come.

While it has been two days since the Moon left and wrapped up its first visit to your communication sector for the year as Venus, the planet of love prepares to move into her last full week in your relationship sector she is drawing closer to the forces behind this. Already, Venus’ friendly aspect to Mars that peaks today is kicking off what will be a remarkable seven days on the relationship front, as she does a flyby of planets that will continue to support your relationships and the communication lines.

As the Moon continues its first visit to your communication sector for the year and since Mercury, the planet of communication left, it is to find that while a lot of things have changed since it was here four weeks ago, a lot has also remained the same. Still here at the two planets in your relationship sector that the Moon forms a friendly aspect to today, but gone is the pressure that was on you and your relationships, making it easier to connect.

The weekend is the perfect time for a friendly aspect between Venus in your romantic sector and Mars in an adventurous part of your chart to peak, with the planets of love and passion coming together to create one of the most romantically charged weekends of the year so far. While this is just still a taste of things to come, this is the most potent a growing mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure has been so far.

While the Moon is still in Sagittarius after its clash with Jupiter in your relationship sector yesterday, it is a different story today as it forms a friendly aspect to both planets in your romantic sector. Whether it was yesterday’s wakeup calls when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs or the boost this is giving the spirit of romance today, the Moon is linking to planets that on both fronts are set to shape the coming year.

What makes a friendly aspect between Venus in your communication sector and Mars in your relationship sector that peaks today significant, is that this is just the first time they are set to come together over the coming months. As the planets of love and passion come together and especially with Mars in retrograde motion, this is linking Venus’ mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice with the doors he is holding open to the past.

As the Moon forms a friendly aspect to both planets in your communication sector, you will not only find it easier to give your emotional responses a voice but with a chance for a reset. It has been just over two weeks since the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos turned direct in your communication sector and with Chiron, the planet of healing having turned direct at the end of last year, the focus has shifted from giving the past and unsaid words a voice and onto a chance to move on.

What makes a friendly aspect between Venus, the planet of love in Pisces and Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos in retrograde motion in your romantic sector that peaks today significant, is that this is just their first handshake. While Venus will leave Pisces early next month, she will not only retrograde back for a do over, but Mars will keep the romantic flame burning while she is gone. Today they have come together to get this burning as brightly as possible.