Horoscope for 2025-01-31

It is just as Venus, the planet of love is moving into her final four days in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart that she is joined by the Moon, adding to a growing sense of romantic nostalgia. In the final days of a nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane that will end with Venus’ return to Aries early next month, this will make it easier to fully immerse yourself in the past.

It is just as a friendly aspect between Venus, the planet of love and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships peaks, that they are joined by the Moon. With Juno in your relationship sector and the Moon joining Venus in a social and serendipitous part of your chart, this will make it easier to tap into the laws of attraction and synchronicity, increasing the potential for serendipitous moments and/or encounters.

While it has been nearly three weeks since the South Node left your romantic sector, the forces that had supported its hold on the spirit of romance over the last 12 months are still there. That support has come from Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in an adventurous part of your chart with support for both at an all time high, this is helping to keep the spirit of romance alive.

In a case of perfect timing, the Moon not only returns for its second visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year to find Venus, the planet of love still here but just as her friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your romantic sector peaks. The final days of Venus’ mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together were already getting a serious boost, with today’s adventurous lunar vibes adding to that.

As the Moon leaves your relationship sector today this might bring the New Moon here to a close, but it leaves behind the planets that will continue to support what has been an opportunity for a fresh start or to draw a new line in the sand. With Mercury, the planet of communication still in his early days and the Moon leaving you emotionally engaged and aware, this will make it easier to get the most out of what is also a powerful day for friendship and relationship building.

In a case of perfect timing, the Moon not only returns to your relationship sector in time to ensure you are emotionally engaged and aware moving into Venus, the planet of love’s final days here, but just as her friendly aspect to Juno in your communication sector peaks. Over the next few days support for Venus and your relationships is set to reach an all time high, with a whole new sense of what’s possible emerging and everything needed to keep the communication lines open.

It is just as the Moon is not only wrapping up its second visit to your romantic sector for the year but the New Moon that has created an opportunity for a fresh start, that a friendly aspect between the Sun here and Jupiter, in his final days in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart peaks. This brings the two largest and most powerful forces in the solar system together, as well as the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia.

It is just as the Moon joins Venus, the planet of love in her final days in your romantic sector that Uranus turns direct in your relationship sector. This is the start of not only some special days on both the romantic and relationship fronts but of a journey that will continue to play out over the coming months. Venus might be leaving your romantic sector early next month, but this won’t be the last we will see of her.

It is just as the Moon is leaving your communication sector and bringing the New Moon to a close that a friendly aspect between the Sun here and Jupiter, in his final days in retrograde motion in your relationship sector peaks. This is the same aspect that the Moon formed yesterday and with Mercury, the planet of communication in his early days in your communication sector, this is channelling maximum support into giving your emotional responses, relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice.

After nearly five months in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, Uranus turns direct here today. While Uranus will remain at a standstill for several weeks, this is a turning point for matters of the heart, with the focus shifting away from the past at the same time that on the relationship front, Mars will continue to keep the focus there on the past.

A day after the Moon’s friendly aspect to Jupiter, in his final days in retrograde motion in your romantic sector peaks, another between the Sun and Jupiter peaks today. While Jupiter is holding the doors open to the past and second chances, the Sun and Moon are separating from their alignment in Aquarius as a New Moon. This is supporting these final days in retrograde motion while banking support for when the tide turns early next week.

As Venus, the planet of love moves into her final four days in Pisces, a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in an adventurous part of your chart peaks. Still separating from a friendly aspect to Mars, in retrograde motion in your romantic sector earlier in the week, this is bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together with a sense of resolve and confidence that is set to deepen over the coming days.