Horoscope for 2025-02-01

Having the Moon in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart during Venus, the planet of love’s final days here was always going to see a sense of romantic nostalgia rise. However, with the Moon not only here as Venus catches up and aligns with dreamy Neptune will add to the final days of this nostalgic trip down love’s memory lane.

Venus, the planet of love is still separating from a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your relationship sector yesterday as she catches up and aligns with dreamy Neptune in a social and serendipitous part of your chart. With the Moon not only here as well but forming a friendly aspect to Mars in your communication sector, this is adding to what was already a powerful time for friendship and relationship building.

While life has taken a busier turn since the forces that began the year in your romantic and relationship sectors left, a strong presence on the adventurous front and the lunar nodes policing of your work/life balance is helping you to hold onto the influence of both. The love and relationship gods have done their part and now it is up to you.

Venus, the planet of love is still separating from a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your romantic sector that peaked yesterday as moving into her final days in an adventurous part of your chart she catches up and aligns with dreamy Neptune. Instead of waning, the spirit of romance and adventure is becoming more potent and will continue to over the weekend.

The Moon’s departure from your relationship sector yesterday has done more than just leave you more emotionally engaged and aware. As the Moon’s only visit while the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication are here and as a New Moon, this has been a powerful chance to draw a new line in the sand. With this comes the promise of ongoing support.

Venus is still separating from a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your communication sector that peaked yesterday as she catches up and aligns with Neptune in your relationship sector. The Moon’s return yesterday and support from the communication gods and now with the planets of love and dreams having joined forces, Venus’ final days in your relationship sector are shaping up to be some of the best.

In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow is an important point in any month for holding onto the spirit of romance. Your relationships can wait until the Moon returns tomorrow and especially with Venus, the planet of love returning two days later.

Having the Moon in your romantic sector as Venus, the planet of love moves into her final three days is advantage enough, but it is here as she catches up and aligns with dreamy Neptune. Today’s romantically charged lunar vibes are adding to a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure that has been building all week and will continue to build over the weekend.

In the lead up to the Moon’s return to your romantic sector tomorrow, you aren’t just preparing for the few romantically charged days that come around every four weeks. This will be the lead up to Venus, the planet of love’s return in three days, which in turn will be the lead up to Neptune, the planet of hopes and dream’s first visit in our lifetime. It’s time to make your life as love friendly as possible.

Having the Moon in your communication sector as Venus, planet of love moves into her final days here is advantage enough, but its friendly aspect to Mars in your relationship sector is making her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice even easier. Venus began the week at the same aspect, preserving the link between the communication and relationship gods.

While a friendly aspect between the Sun in Aquarius and Jupiter in your romantic sector that peaked yesterday is starting to separate, they will stay close as you move into what was already going to be a pivotal few days on the relationship front. As well as a chance to make the most of Jupiter’s final days in retrograde motion and of the doors still open to the past, support is locked in for the turnaround ahead.

As she moves into her final three days in Pisces with the Moon at her side, Venus is still separating from a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in an adventurous part of your chart as she catches up with dreamy Neptune. The Moon’s friendly aspect to Mars, in retrograde motion in your romantic sector will add to a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure that has been building all week and is set to peak over the weekend.