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Horoscope for 2025-02-09

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With the Moon’s first visit to your communication sector since Jupiter’s direct turn earlier in the week now under your belt, there is every reason to move forward with confidence. It was the Moon’s friendly aspect to Mercury, the planet of communication yesterday that gave the extra nudge to push through any remaining old communication barriers. Keeping the communication lines open should become a lot easier from this point.
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In a case of perfect timing, the Moon returns for its last visit to your communication sector while Mars is in retrograde motion just as support is building. For both Mars and the asteroid Juno, now in her final two weeks in your relationship sector, the Moon returns just as support for both is already at an all time high. This will make Mars’ war on old communication roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined a lot easier.
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As you draw closer to next week’s Full Moon in your communication sector, the more prepared you need to be to make it count. At a time of year when there is rarely any planetary activity on either the communication or relationship fronts, this is a key point in any year for getting the communication lines open. Especially with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment just 11 days away from her first visit to your relationship sector in four years.
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It is just as a friendly aspect between Neptune, planet of hopes and dreams in an adventurous part of your chart and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your romantic sector peaks that the Moon returns for its last visit to Cancer while Mars is in retrograde motion here. With Mars linked to both, the Moon is set to connect all the dots as a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure reaches a peak.
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It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication reaches his last weekend in your relationship sector that he catches up and aligns with the Sun. A day after the Moon’s friendly aspect to both, you will find it easier to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice while keeping it real and authentic. With next week’s Full Moon set to put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test, having the communication lines open couldn’t be more important.
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A growing bond between the planets across the communication and relationship fronts is further enhanced by the Moon’s return to your friendship sector today. This comes just as a friendly aspect between Mars here and Saturn in your relationship sector is making this a powerful time for friendship and relationship building while linking in with the support coming from planets in your communication sector.
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While the Moon has left an adventurous part of your chart, its friendly aspect to the Sun and all three planets in your romantic sector has done more than just bring the spirit of romance and adventure together over the last few days. The Moon and all but one of the planets in your romantic sector will move on, but there are core planets staying on that will continue to keep the spirit of romance and adventure alive.
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While an alignment between Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams and the North Node in your romantic sector is starting to separate, their friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your romantic sector has just now peaked. Helping to hold this together and add to an already potent mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure is the Moon’s return to an adventurous part of your char.
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It is just as Jupiter is settling into his first weekend in direct motion in your relationship sector that the Moon wraps up its monthly visit. As well as leaving you more emotionally engaged and aware, a friendly aspect to the planets in your communication sector over the last few days has helped to get the communication lines open. At the same time Venus, the planet of love is settling into her first weekend in your romantic sector, bringing you to the start of the most romantically charged months of 2025.
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As the Moon returns for its last visit to your relationship sector while Mars is in retrograde motion here, the timing couldn’t be better. This is a chance to become more emotionally engaged and aware as a friendly aspect between Mars and Saturn in your communication sector is about to peak. These powerful planets have already joined forces in order to get the communication lines open on the relationship front, with the Moon set to make that even easier.
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At the same time that Venus, the planet of love is settling into her first weekend in your communication sector and of an extended mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice, Jupiter is settling into his first weekend back in direct motion in your romantic sector. As the Moon leaves your romantic sector it is going to leave behind a new sense of romantic confidence in its wake and a sense that the tide has turned.
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In a case of perfect timing, the Moon not only returns for its last visit to your romantic sector while Mars is in retrograde motion here, but just as support for the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos is building. It is a friendly aspect to Saturn in Pisces that is giving you the resolve to follow your heart and make the most of the doors open to the past and second chances.