Horoscope for 2025-03-13

The Moon may have left your romantic sector yesterday, but with Mars on his way back and a retrograde turn keeping Venus, the planet of love in Aries until later in the month, the spark this ignited is unlikely to dim, as would normally be the case at this time of year. Normally, the most romantically charged months of any year don’t begin until the second half of the year, but this year they began early but won’t end early.

With the Moon already in your romantic sector but still building towards tomorrow’s eclipsing Full Moon, these romantically charged lunar vibes are becoming more potent. It is having the South Node in your romantic sector that will turn tomorrow’s ordinary Full Moon into a total lunar eclipse, with the power to jumpstart the spirit of romance while bringing the element of fate into play.

With the Moon set to get together with Jupiter and Pluto, the planets of luck and change to bring a romantically charged weekend, the lead up to tomorrow’s eclipsing Full Moon couldn’t be more important. This is a Full Moon that at this time each year can put your work/life balance to the test, but as a total lunar eclipse, this will be harder to ignore. With a romantically charged weekend on the other side, the timing couldn’t be better.

Venus, the planet of love is already in retrograde motion and on her way back to an adventurous part of your chart while Mercury is just two days away from doing the same. With a second chance coming up to once again bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, as the Sun starts to battle some headwinds in his final days here, this is the perfect time to confront old roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined.

As well as leaving you more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware, the Moon’s departure from Leo yesterday has left you with a lot to unpack on the romantic and relationship fronts. A clash with Pluto in your relationship sector may have pushed some buttons, while a friendly aspect to Venus and Juno, one the planet of love and the other the queen of commitment, has been a window into a growing mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia.

The Moon is not only already in Virgo ahead of tomorrow’s eclipsing Full Moon but is starting to put pressure on some of the planets in your relationship sector. While it is not until tomorrow that anything out of balance when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs will be impossible to ignore, already there is a chance to start paying attention.

At the same time that Venus is two weeks away from retrograding back out of your relationship sector, the Sun is just seven days away. With Mercury, who will turn retrograde here over the weekend and not leaving until the end of the month, the planets of love and communication will not only be here when the solar spotlight shifts onto your relationships, but with the doors open to the past.

At the same time that the Sun moves into his final seven days in your romantic sector Venus, the planet of love is 14 days away from retrograding back in. While the Sun will leave before Venus can return for a do over, separating from an alignment with Saturn and moving towards another with Neptune before leaving, is putting light on the planets that will keep the romantic flame burning.

At the same time that Venus, the planet of love moves into her final 14 days in your romantic sector before retrograding back out later in the month, the Sun is just seven days away. With their paths due to cross and with Mercury turning retrograde here later in the week, as the doors open to the past and second chances, there is also the promise of new beginnings.

While the Moon won’t form a friendly aspect to Uranus in your romantic sector until tomorrow and just as the eclipsing Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart peaks, already the spirit of romance and adventure is on the rise. Meanwhile, an alignment between the Sun and Saturn is a chance to get serious about having the communication lines open.

Both the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector over the weekend and from your relationship sector yesterday are likely to have left you with a sense of confidence and anticipation. With lucky Jupiter back in direct motion in your romantic sector, Mars on his way back to your relationship sector and growing support from the planets on the communication front, the future is looking bright.

While it is not until tomorrow that the Sun and Moon will crash to create the first total lunar eclipse in your relationship sector in 17 years, the Moon is already here. This is a supercharged version of the Full Moon that at some point during your birthday month will put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test. This time, this is going to pack a lot more punch while support from the planets on the communication is already locked in, ready to turn this into an opportunity for a breakthrough.