Horoscope for 2025-03-15

Less than 12 hours after the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your relationship sector today Mercury, the planet of communication turns retrograde in Aries. With the Moon set to connect with Jupiter in your communication sector by tomorrow, from the start there is a chance to not only get the communication lines open but start giving the past and unsaid words a voice.

As the Moon leaves your romantic sector, this might bring yesterday’s eclipsing Full Moon to a close, but not the impact this has had. Had this been an ordinary Full Moon there would be nothing for this to hold onto and its influence would eventually fade. Instead, having the South Node here turned an ordinary Full Moon into a total lunar eclipse and having it here will keep the spirit of romance alive.

Just in time for the weekend and at the tail end of a week that has had a lot of focus on your relationships, the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your romantic sector. As well as the promise of a romantically charged weekend, by tomorrow a friendly aspect to Jupiter and Pluto will be both personally empowering while bringing together the spirit of romance and adventure.

With Venus, the planet of love already in retrograde motion and on her way back to an adventurous part of your chart, Mercury doing the same today and the asteroid Juno turning retrograde and starting to head back to your romantic sector next week, there is already something special building. Having brought the spirit of romance and adventure together but then moving on, all three have had second thoughts and are preparing for a do over.

Venus, the planet of love is already in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart and with Juno turning retrograde in your romantic sector next week, a sense of romance, adventure and nostalgia is only going to deepen. Adding to this is Mercury’s retrograde turn in an adventurous part of your chart today and while his focus isn’t on reconnecting with the spirit of romance, he is able to support the planets that are.

The Moon’s departure from Virgo today will bring yesterday’s eclipsing Full Moon to a close and with it the pressure this may have put on your relationships. As the emotional fog of war starts to clear and any personal and/or relationship tension dials back, you will be left with a more authentic sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you than just a few days ago.

Venus, the planet of love is already in retrograde motion in your relationship sector when Mercury, the planet of communication turns retrograde here today. With the asteroid Juno just days away from also turning retrograde in your communication sector and with Venus having already paved the way, this is the start of a new chapter that will make it easier to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

It was at the height of yesterday’s eclipsing Full Moon that the Moon’s friendly aspect to Uranus in your relationship sector peaked, leaving you with a renewed sense of confidence as well as feeling more emotionally engaged and aware. While the Moon is moving on, that support will continue and ahead of the Sun’s return to your relationship sector next month, this could feel like a fresh start.

With Venus, the planet of love already in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, as Mercury turns retrograde here today, this will add to a sense of romantic nostalgia while opening even more doors to the past. Instead of moving on, this will keep the planets of love and communication in your romantic sector while letting the Sun, who will return next month catch up.

The Moon’s departure today might bring yesterday’s eclipsing Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart to an end and with it, its friendly aspect to Uranus in your romantic sector, but in its wake, the spirit of romance and adventure this brought together is now locked into place. Had this been an ordinary Full Moon, this would have gradually waned, but having the South Node here not only turned this into a total lunar eclipse but with something solid behind it.

The Moon’s return to an adventurous part of your chart today will do more than just make it easier to embrace the weekend spirit. By tomorrow the Moon will be allied with lucky Jupiter in your romantic sector and Pluto, the planet of change and transformation in Aquarius. This not only sets the scene for a romantically charged weekend but just as you have moved into the final three months of Jupiter’s lucky year for love.

The Moon’s departure from your relationship sector today might bring yesterday’s eclipsing Full Moon to a close, but not the implications. What will fade is any personal and/or relationship tension from the Moon’s clash with the Sun in Pisces. However, as well as leaving you with a more authentic sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, this has allowed you to tap into communication support that is here to stay.