Horoscope for 2025-03-16

It is just as Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first full day in retrograde motion in Aries, that a friendly aspect between the Moon in your relationship sector and Jupiter in your communication sector peaks. While an opposition between the Moon and Mercury might push some buttons, but at a time when there is not only an abundance of communication support but just as an opportunity has opened up to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

In between the Moon’s departure from your romantic sector yesterday and its return to your relationship sector tomorrow, this is an important point in any month to first hold onto the spirit of romance. While you will be moving into some positive days on the communication and relationship fronts, there is a chance to first capture the massive boost that the eclipsing Full Moon two days ago has given the spirit of romance.

Having the Moon in your romantic sector over the weekend is always an advantage and especially with the Moon at a friendly aspect to lucky Jupiter in Gemini. Still separating from a friendly aspect to Pluto in an adventurous part of your chart yesterday, there is still a strong mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in the air. At the same time, in her last weekend in direct motion in your relationship sector, the asteroid Juno is at a standstill, making it easier to stay in the moment.

Knowing that the Moon will not only return to your romantic sector tomorrow but will connect with the Sun and the rest of the planets in an adventurous part of your chart as it moves through, gives you a chance to first put some work/life balance guardrails in place. Knowing that it is in the early part of the new working week when the spirit of romance and adventure will be at its peak gives you time to prepare.

At the same time that there is a strong and growing mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia in the air, the Moon’s monthly visit to your communication sector is putting it in harmony with Pluto in your relationship sector. It was earlier in the week, when the Moon returned to Leo that the two clashed, with a chance now to give anything this might have flushed out then a voice.

When the Moon left your relationship sector yesterday, as well as leaving you more emotionally engaged and aware and especially when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs, it left behind forces that are committed to maintaining that balance. Had the eclipsing Full Moon this brought to an end been an ordinary Full Moon that would not be the case, but as a total lunar eclipse, this is something that there is no going back from.

Having the Moon not only in Libra as Mercury settles into his first full day in retrograde motion in your relationship sector but in opposition, is putting the planet of communication to work from the start. Two weeks after Venus, the planet of love also turned retrograde in your relationship sector and with the asteroid Juno at a standstill ahead of her retrograde turn in your communication sector next week, any buttons the Moon might push comes just as you will find it easier to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

As the Sun reaches his last weekend in your romantic sector the pressure from the recent eclipsing Full Moon is gone, but missing is the urgency you might expect. With Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication, both now in retrograde motion and on their way back to your romantic sector, the most romantically charged months of the year are still in front of you. Meanwhile, both your relationships and the communication lines continue to benefit from the same lunar eclipse.

Just as after two weeks in retrograde motion here Venus, the planet of love is no longer at a standstill and is actively working to make the most of the doors open to the past and second chances, Mercury is settling into his first full day in retrograde motion in your romantic sector. Until the Sun returns next week, this is putting the majority of the focus on the past, with a sense of romantic nostalgia deepening.

With first Venus, the planet of love 14 days ago and then yesterday Mercury turning retrograde instead of returning to your romantic sector, this is not the delay it might appear to be. With the Sun not returning until next month, both were out too far in front and have turned back in order to wait. While the spirit of romance has just received a boost from the recent eclipsing Full Moon and is in safe hands, this also gives you more time to focus on the growing momentum on the relationship front.

Just in time for the weekend, you not only have the Moon in an adventurous part of your chart but at a friendly aspect to lucky Jupiter in your romantic sector. While the Moon will leave tomorrow and this is only briefly bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together, with Jupiter back in direct motion and in his final three months in your romantic sector, it won’t be hard to hold onto and capture this.

While the recent eclipsing Full Moon has put a lot more focus on your relationships and with the Moon having just left your relationship sector yesterday this is something you are still processing, at the same time the conditions on the romantic front have been improving. After nearly three weeks in retrograde motion in your romantic sector, Mars is back to his old passionate and driven self while Venus, the planet of love is just 11 days away from retrograding back into Pisces for a do over.